five- clueless

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Dreams Pov:
1 week later

I can't tell her that I'm Clay. She will never talk to me again.. but she'll find out eventually.

Maybe I should just tell her

No. It'll ruin everything. I'll just keep it going as long as I can.

I can't fucking believe Sanity is Aaliyah...

Aaliyahs Pov:
"You're just still salty that I beat your record, and you're yet to get it back" I said, grinning
"No.. that's not true" he replied, defending himself poorly

I've been on call with Dream for a little over an hour. He's been acting slightly different and I questioned it and he got snippy

"Whatever, green boy"
"Liyah, I swear to God" he said back to me

Liyah.. Clay used to call me that

Dreams Pov:
Fuck.. how could I let that slip

Aaliyahs pov
My mind went back to Clay

I wonder what he's doing right now.. I wonder if he's successful or living on the streets. Does he regret leaving me? In he grateful that he left me? Does he ever think of me?

"Aaliyah?" Dream said, causing me to snap out of it
"Sorry.. uh, yeah?"
"Can I invite some people?"
"Oh, yeah. Of course" I replied, simply

He invited Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, George, Wilbur, and Niki

They were talking about something containing the best color in among us, and who has the best taste in music when I got a dm

Hey, beautiful. You
seem off. Are you doing okay?

I smiled at her message

Just a bit of an off day, I guess.
Thanks for checking in, Nik <3

Of course, babes. If you
ever need someone to talk
to, I'm here

"Sanityyyy" I heard Sapnap whining
"What do you want?" I asked
"Who's the coolest one here? AND YOU CANT SAY NIKI!" he asked
"Fuck... Uhhhh.. definitely Will. His style, his voice. Basically everything" I giggled as I said it
"It's a pleasure" he replied

I was obviously joking around. I like all the boys equally, but I felt like Dream, Sapnap or George would think I would pick them, so I decided not to

I heard my door open
"Shit" I mumbled "sorry guys, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Byeee" I left before they could even answer

"Hey, precious" I said, patting my lap
"Who you talkin to?" She asked, laying her head on my shoulder
"Just some new friends" I answered

Dreams Pov:
That's my kid. Oh my god...
That's the baby that I abandoned.
That's the baby I left an 18 year old to handle on her own

Holy shit.

Ever since I drove out of her driveway I have felt nothing but regret. All I've ever wanted is to go back and time and change my reaction. I wish I would've been supportive, and stayed with her during her struggles.. but I didn't

"Guys I gotta go" I said, and left the VC

I went straight to Instagram and typed in


I searched for any photos of the kid.. and I found what I was looking for


Sanitysunz: Miss Lilia <3

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Sanitysunz: Miss Lilia <3

Lilia.. it's a girl and her name is Lilia... Oh my god.

As I looked at her I could see a slight resemblance between the both of us, making my heart shatter

Nick walked into my room
"Dude. Why did you just leave?" He asked
"Nick.." I said
"Whats wrong?" He replied
"Sanity is Aaliyah and this is my daughter..."
"What the hell are you on about?" He asked, confused
"Sanity is Aaliyah, Nick! This is my baby, this is the kid that I left!" I said, burying my face in my hands
"No fucking way.." he said
"Her name is Lilia.." I said quietly
"Does Aaliyah know that Dream is you?" He asked
"No" I answered, guilty
"Bro, she's gonna find out and she's gonna go crazy" he said
"I don't wanna tell her tho! We're friends, and I don't wanna ruin that" I said
"Good luck with this one, Clay" he said, shaking his head and walking out

I'm fucked..

second chance..? (Dreamwastaken x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now