Two introverts and a fountain (The8)

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„You gotta be kidding me", I said bewildered, "I am already here waiting for you. You promised to come!" "I know", my so-called friend said leisurely, "But I just really don't feel like it today." "This is the third time you spontaneously cancel our plans without an actual excuse", I complained. "Let's just try again next time", she said before hanging up. Why did I even still try to make this work? Well, simply because I promised to show her that café for once and I wanted to get it done with. Our friendship cooled down long ago and I tried to revive it once already which didn't really work and only resulted in this stupid promise. I wouldn't try to make it work so stubbornly if she wouldn't continuously whine about it. I let go off a breath and tried to calm down. Anyway.

I put my phone in my bag that was lying on the floor next to my feet. Should I go by myself? But I still had enough stuff to do at home, maybe I should just head home. But I didn't want to. I sighed. Just when I reached out for my bag to at least get up, somebody approached me. I looked up to meet a stranger's eyes. "Uhm, sorry, but could you tell me how I get to the Stadion?", he asked shyly. "Just follow along this path until the end of the park and then go to the left. The third road on your right is the one leading to the Stadion entrance", I explained patiently. "Thanks", he smiled and somehow his smile made me feel a bit better. "Don't mention it", I gave back.

I wondered if he wanted to just see the Stadion or if he was here for the Baseball game tonight. But if so, he was definitely too early. Maybe he just was like me though, trying to find his way before the actual appointment just to be sure to not get lost when he had to be on time. I shrugged and got up from the fountain's edge I had been sitting on while waiting for my friend and stretched myself. Maybe I should take a stroll through the park. I reached out for my bag.

"Watch out!", I heard somebody to my right and quickly turned my head. A skater came at me in full speed. Surprised, I jumped back, hitting the fountain's edge and losing balance. Before I knew it, I landed in the water. Good thing, it wasn't so shallow that I hit my head. I dived back up fast and grabbed the edge over which my feet still dangled. "This is officially one of the worst days ever", I mumbled to myself as I tried to climb back out, "and I would like to resign from it please." I struggled a bit since my hands shivered slightly from the shock and the coldness that started to get a hold of me. "Sorry, I don't know how you could possibly do that", I heard a voice in front of me. Probably coming from the owner of the helping hand that now came in sight. I grabbed it and he pulled me out. As I looked up, I realized that it was the same guy that I just had explained the way to. He must have come back after hearing the splash. That was kind of cute of him actually... "Thanks", I smiled shyly. "Don't mention it", he gave back.

Only now I got aware of somebody laughing behind me. I glimpsed back to see a group of people, obviously amused by my little accident. I would have loved to get angry and scold them properly, but in reality, I was still a shy girl, too worn out and frustrated to do anything like that. With chattering teeth, I hugged myself and turned my back on them again. "Stop laughing, it's not funny", my helper now spoke up though. I wanted to say thank you or at least smile at him, but I was too embarrassed to look up. "What if I find it funny, huh?", one of the others gave back. "Then maybe you should go take a dive in the fountain yourself", the guy in front of me said warningly and I flinched as he suddenly draped his jacket around my shoulders, "And maybe then see if it's still funny."

I was surprised to not hear any talking back. "Thank you", I whispered shyly and glimpsed back up to him. And understood why there was no discussion. He was... athletic. Not what you'd consider buff, but surely strong. Someone you wouldn't want to mess with. I got aware of his worried smile. "Don't even mind those childish idiots over there. We should get you back home before you catch a cold or something", he said softly, putting his hand on my back. I nodded obediently and finally picked up my bag.

At first, there was awkward silence between us, no one really knowing what to say. "So, uhm...", I tried to start a conversation, "You wanted to see the Stadion, I guess?" "I have two tickets for the game tonight", he answered and I nodded before realizing. I furrowed my brows: "Two?" "Yes, I wanted to go with my friend. But Woozi is not feeling well today, so he can't come." "Oh... Uh... Hope he feels better soon." It was silent again. "Are you from around here?", he suddenly asked. I nodded. "Lived here all my life already", I said. "I see. I am here for a visit." "So you don't know the surroundings?" "Not at all." "Should I show you around a bit? It's still a bit of way left to my apartment." "I'd like that", he smiled and finally we had something to talk about, ending the continuous awkwardness between us.

Half an hour later, I stood in front of my door and wanted to say goodbye. Well, not really wanted to, but had to. I had enjoyed his company, after all. I got out of his jacket, looking at it. "I'm sorry that it is wet", I said honestly. He shrugged: "Well, I knew it would be when I give it to you, but I didn't want you to get sick." I chewed my lower lip as an idea formed in my head. "I could lend you my brother's jacket. I got it from him and it could be roundabout your size. You know where I live now, you can just return it tomorrow or so." He tilted his head in contemplation and then, suddenly shy again, mumbled: "Or you two just come along to the game. The jacket and you." I blinked surprised. I had nothing planned for the evening and I liked him so far... "I don't even know the rules", I confessed and rubbed my arm shyly. "Me neither", he giggled with the cutest little chuckle I had ever heard. I grinned. "Woozi was supposed to explain me", he added. "Well, maybe we can figure the rules out together then", I suggested, "Two brains work better than only one." "Sounds good", he gave back. My smile widened. "Then give me just a minute and I'll go change before we can go to the game together", I said enthusiastically.

He nodded and I turned to leave as I realized something. I stopped for a second and looked back. "By the way...", I started with an awkward smile, "I don't even know your name yet." His eyes widened in surprise, but then he laughed. "I'm Minghao", he said. I smiled. "Nice to meet you, Minghao. I'm Katy", I gave back. "Nice to meet you too", he grinned. For a second time seemed to stop as I looked into his sincere and warm eyes, but sadly I got reminded of what I was about to do when the building door opened and my neighbour almost bumped into me. "Oh, sorry", I mumbled and made way for him before smiling at Minghao again. "Be right back", I promised. He nodded and assured me: "I'll wait here for you."

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