Chapter 3: The Boys

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"Harry!" screams Louis and he comes running towards Harry. I have to say, i have never seen a boy run that fast. He slammed into Harry and started kissing him on the cheeks.

"Um ok." I say. "Do they do that alot?" I ask as Liam walks up to us.

"Yeah they cant be separated for more than an hour without getting separation angsiety." he claims. "So your Ryan?" he asks pointing to me.

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Harry's showed us pictures that your mum texted him."

My mom texted Harry? And he showed them pics of me? Crap.

"Your prettier in person though." Niall says, walking up to us with a burrito in his hand.

"Oh." i say and I can feel myself blushing. Mean while Harry lets go of Louis and looks over at Emma. "Heh. Sorry." he says starting to blush.

Mom walks over with Harry's dad and Addison.

"Hawwy!" Addison screams. She starts kicking and my mom lets her down so she can run over to Harry and Louis. "Hi!" she says to Louis and hugs him.

"Hi wittle girl! How are you?" he says and picks her up, kissing both her cheeks.

"I want cawwets." Addison says.

"A girl after my heart!" Louis screams and runs away with her. I start to follow but Zayn grabs my hand. "Don't worry love, he wont hurt her." he says.

"Everyone, this is Ryan and this is Emma." Harry says pointing to us as he says our names.

"Hi." Emma says shyly.

"Hello love how are you?" Liam says and puts his arm around her. Harry then walks over, removes his arm from around her shoulders and puts his there, giving Liam a stare that said "Don't DARE touch her shes mine." All while Emma stands there blushing madly.

"Well if we're calling dibs, I call Ryan!" Niall yells and picks me up and spins me around.

"No shes mine!" yells Zayn as he grabs my hand and gives me a smolder to die over.

"Hey! Don't make me slap both of you!" Harry says. Oh God. Hes already becoming that protective brother I've never had but always wanted. Why? I don't know.

"Sorry Mr. styles." Niall says and runs away with Harry chasing after him, and Emma chasing after Harry.

"So are we ever going to leave this place?" I ask Liam.

"Yes love. I'll get your bags. Zayn. Round up the boys. Ryan, you and Emma are coming with us. Addison is going with Harry's dad and your mum to their house."

"Well where are we going?"

"To our place. We have some catching up to do." he says and walks away.

"Can i come with you?" I ask Zayn, not wanting to be alone in this very crowded place.

"Of course!" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the food court where we find Louis feeding Adi carrots.

"Sissy! Youie is my best friend! He gave me carrots!" Adi screams as I pick her up and start walking towards the exits.

"Hey?! Where are you going?! I must get more food!" Niall screams after us.

"Come on Niall. We'll be home in half an hour!" Harry yells.

"Fine." he mutters.

We meet my mom and Harry's Dad outside and I give my mom Adi and a kiss before following the boys and Emma to their tour bus.

"Why are we going to your place in your tour bus?" Emma asks, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"We've got one little thing to do before we go back to our flat." Zayn says winking.

"Uh oh." I say. I know I haven't been around these boys for that long but I can already tell that they are trouble. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see!" Niall says.

"Oh God."

We drive for about 15 minutes and pull up to an arena.

"Suprise!" Louis screams in my ear as I admire all the screaming girls surrounding the bus.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.

"Why so many questions, Ryan?" Louis asks with an evil look on his face.

"Well I'm not sure if I should be concerned for my life or happy about this little detour we've taken."

"A little bit of both." Niall says, grabbing my hand and leading me off the bus into the sea of screaming directioners.

I'm scared.

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