Progidical Son

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I was walking down the railroad tracks

Occasionally looking over my back

I'm on the run to get my fill

To get some money to pay the bills

I work at a gas station it's not so fun

But I guess it's pretty good for a kid on the run

When I left home I had it all

Not even thinking about 'if I fall'

I gambled my life away like a fool

I failed at math, language, everything in school

Now I look at my life so covered in sin

I see how terrible a son I've been

So see father I understand

If you don't want to take me back in, or just plain can't

I'm a terrible rebel on the loose

I guess I'm alone now, bound to lose

I search the town, aimlessly wandering

But I still keep thinking, wondering, pondering

What if my father let me back in

If only confessed to person I've been

I walked up the road

I saw him standing there

I felt my heart explode

I think it's full of air

He runs down the steps

I dropped my sack

He throws his arms around me

And says I'm glad you're back

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