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I don't care...

I don't care

The words repeat in my mind as I walk up the stairs

I walk in the locker room

Throw down my bags

Everyone around me they

Nag nag nag

Chat chat chat

I want to yell and pull out my hair

It bugs me so much they don't notice I'm there

Why can't I be regular like everyone else?

Why can they talk and can't?

Why can't I have friends when they do?

It's not fair I was born this way

I can't help it that I can't talk striaght

That I'm too shy

Too small

Too pathetic

So invisible


If only they understood how I'm not alright

If only they knew how I feel inside

They taunt

They tease

The smack and they


Prying beating my feelings out

Spinning, spinning

Like a roundabout

If only they knew me

Then they would know

There's more then what they see

Their judgment level so low

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