If You Really Knew Me

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If you really knew me,

You would know that I hate

To see other people hurt

I hate it when bad things happen,

And all's they say is

'That sucks for you'

Cause I know what it's like

To feel the way people do

Not always the same thing,

But whatever it is,

What comes out of it is hurt

If you really knew me

You would know that I hate it when

People think I'm popular so

I think I'm all that,

But I'm just as much as they are,

A human,

A sinner,

A person in need of God

I'm not any better or any worse than

Everybody else....

I'm just me

And one more thing,

Just so you know,

You're not alone

There's always someone that has it worse

Or they're going through the same thing as

You are

You are not alone

You don't have to be alone

You are worth it

And you know what else?

Think about how Jesus felt

Hanging on the cross

He felt the pain you feel and worse

So He understands

And He can help you

Through hard times

If you let Him


'If you really knew me' is a thing we did at my school and I just wanted to share my experience with you so I hope you like it!

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