Chapter 3

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Battleships Chapter 3

I know this chapter is up a little late but I have a goodish reason. I had a really stressful day on Friday so I had to start writing Saturday and hurrying up to finish soon. The next chapter will be up on time, I will work on it early to ensure that.

Shout out to everyone who voted, commented, or read the last chapter. Thank you so much for all your support you guys are amazing.

The song on the side is if I'm james dean you're audrey hepburn by sleeping with sirens

Recap of what happened in the last chapter: Cammie finds out what Zach and Macey were talking about, it was a bet to see who would win the singing competition. Cammie is upset she has to sing but forgets about it when she starts sparing with Zach. After an even match he has her pinned down but she manages to get her way out and win the fight. Liz and Jonas were prepping the kids for their academic tests.

This chapter takes place a day after the last one. And finally before I forget this (like I normally do) disclaimer Ally Carter owns all except for the plot.

Chapter 3

"You cheated" Zach told her lying on the bed still groaning. She laughed at him shaking her head in amusement typing away at her computer. "Sure I did Zach." His response was another groan, this time muffled. He must have put his face in the pillow.

"That was unfair" he said rolling over to face her. "You cheated" he repeated.

"Gallagher girls don't cheat" Cammie reminded him putting her laptop away. She sat on the end of the bed. "I'm sorry I hit you hard." Her voice was sincere with no signs of humor. He pulled her next to him so they were lying next to each other. Out of instinct he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I know you are" he whispered in her ear. She relaxed into his touch feeling butterflies in her stomach. There has never been a doubt in her mind that he was the one for her and vice versa.

"By the way I'm not letting you touch me for a year." She laughed at him once again. It sounded like something a women would say to her husband when she was giving birth. "But for the record you were playing dirty" he added. She looked him straight in the eye as she said, "If you aren't playing dirty then you aren't doing it right. Besides Zach in case you forgotten it's what we do."

He kissed her on the forehead asking her if he hurt her too much. Cammie shook her head. Not believing her he started applying pressure to her shoulders because that was where he put a lot of weight on while pinning her down. She tried to keep a brave face not showing any pain but when he hit a certain spot she let out a gasp.

"Let me see your shoulder" he asked her softly. She said nothing. He repeated himself louder and in a more firm voice. She reluctantly showed him her shoulder shifting her shirt lower to let him see. There was a bruise about the size of a quarter that was already a nasty shade of purple. "Cammie", his voice was barely above a whisper. He could not believe he had hurt her like that. Obviously in a spar there was going to be some injuries but he did not know it went that far. At one point they let the competition get the better of them.

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