Chapter 6

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My alarm went off, jolting me awake. Usually, I am awake before it sounds, but I had a full day yesterday with Sandra, and I slept soundly. We were back together, and only my stupidity had caused the breakup in the first place. I had to admit that it didn't matter that she was once a man. She is all woman now, and what a woman. Every time I am out with her, she impresses the heck out of me.

The only thing that was concerning me was Trudy. What was she trying to accomplish this time? I had to call her up to get to the bottom of this.

I got up, started the coffee, and made a few pancakes for myself. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I took my phone and called Trudy using the number from my call display yesterday. I listened to it ring, and then I was forwarded to voicemail. I received a message reporting voicemail was not set up, and the call ended.

I would try it again later since this number was my only link to Trudy. I gave Sandra a call to see how she was doing, and she told me she was heading for work and would call me back when she got there.

I started another pot of coffee and got to work myself, looking at my latest project. I was working on it when my phone rang, and I answered it. Sandra told me what a great time she had with me over the weekend and told me she enjoyed dinner with my children. I told her she had no end of surprises for me, and driving on the racetrack was incredible.

She mentioned that her son Tom and Jessica called after I ended our call last night, and they were going to be on a double date with my daughter Sarah and son George. The kids have taken a shine to each other, and I am happy they are all getting along together.

"The only thing that worries me, Sandra, is my ex-wife Trudy. I don't understand what she is up to, so please be careful."

Sandra assured me that she would be vigilant and keep an eye out for anything that looked suspicious.

We talked together a bit longer. I heard someone come into Sandra's office, and she told me she had to go. We both said goodbye and ended the call.

I kept busy with my project for the rest of the day. I took a lunch break to make a sandwich and ended the day after working the afternoon. My phone rang, and it was Sandra. Would you like to meet somewhere for dinner? Nothing fancy.

We met up at the Crackerbee's and enjoyed a simple dinner there. Once again, it seemed like we couldn't get enough of each other. We talked together until 11 pm when the manager told us they were closing for the evening. We left together, kissed goodnight in the parking lot, and we both headed home.

As much as I would love to move in with Sandra, it was still too early. We had only been seeing each other for maybe a month. But we did have that break while I was working through my insecurities. I thought it would be easier if we lived together while driving home. I would wait until Sandra brought this up, and then we would discuss it together.

I entered my condo, and my phone rang. I looked at the call display, and it looked like it was Trudy's number. I answered the call, and it was Trudy. She apologized for missing my call earlier.

I sat down on my couch. "Trudy, what I don't understand is why you are following me?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I left my condo yesterday, I drove by what looked like your car parked in front of my place. I didn't think much of it until Sandra recognized you in the roadside café where we ate lunch Sunday. She said you were sitting right behind me, and she recognized you from a photo I had on my fireplace."

Trudy paused, "That must have been someone else she saw, Robert. It wasn't me."

"Look, Trudy, I don't know what kind of game you are playing here, but I don't appreciate you following us like a stalker. I want to impress upon you that I have zero desire to ever get back in a relationship with you again. We were together in what I thought was a good marriage, and then you unilaterally decided you wanted to divorce me, and you turned my life upside down, so I have no desire ever to see you again."

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