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"Ms. Y/n it's time to wake up." My butler woke me up "Your parents are waiting for you down stairs, your clothes are laid out for you at the end of your bed" he said "Thank you Koharu" I sit up and he left. I walk over to my bathroom to do my hair and brush my teeth before getting dressed and heading downstairs.

"Your sleeping around again aren't you?!" Mother shouted at father while standing across the table from him. "Don't act like you're all high and mighty!" He yelled back dodging a vase that Mother threw at him. "What proof do you have of me "sleeping" with someone!?" She asked him sarcastically, but the only thing he did was point at me. "The proof is a walking human being!" He exaggerated. I took my final few steps before finally sitting down and beginning to eat my food. "Good morning Y/n" mother and father both greeted me at the same time while still glaring at eachother. "Good morning mother, father... Are you guys finished with your tantrum?" I asked with a blank face bringing a piece of pancake to my mouth. "It's you fathers fault" "Father?! Oh please she's no daughter of mine!" "She is a Haitani! There for she is yours!" The went back and forth yelling at eachother again but by that time I had enough.

I slammed my hand on the table and caught everyone's attention "It isn't lady like to yell isn't mother?" I ask her calmly "I mean... you're the one who taught me that, it would be ashame that all your hard work into making me the perfect young lady and daughter go to waste." I said bringing another piece of pancake to my mouth. "Yes, yes you're right. Great job y/n. Your getting better everyday" Mom sat down and began enjoying her food.

"Ms. Y/n, your pills" Koharu walked up to my right hand side with a tray of only one pill and a glass of water. I took the pill and drank the water gently placing it back on the tray. "Thank Koharu." and in return he bowed. "There will be some works coming in today to fix the bed that your FATHER broke" she said to me, "And how is this information relevant to me?" I ask "Because we need you to stay home and make sure that they do the job they were assigned to" she responded. I internally groan and roll my eyes. This is going to be a very mundane day. "Where will you and father be heading too?" I asked her "To the states for a few days" I answered "What for?" I asked another question "Privacy is a very important thing y/n, yet it's one of the most things that gets invaded" she shook her head.

We all finished our breakfast not long later and it was time for them to go. I walked them to the door and mother said her goodbyes, but before father left he looked at me then grabbed me by the collar of my dress. "Listen you little shit. You will never be apart of this family no matter how hard you try, got it?" he said aggressively "Have a safe plain ride sir" my voice stayed at a steady and calm volume, not giving him a reaction. As he walked out I closed the door behind him and sighed.

Some times I wonder... was i raised without love? Or was I born unlovable? By the way they treat me, I'll say option 2. I look at my watch to see the time It's 8:15am, if the workers don't get here in time I'll be late for my therapy appointment. As that thought entered my mind the door bell rang. I open the door to be introduced by two men in suits both having purple hair. "Hello we are here for Mr.Haitani" one of the men with short hair spoke "You men must be the workers that were hired. Interesting choice of clothing, i would have suspected something more... appropriate for your type of profession but its gonna have to do. Unfortunately Mr and Mrs. Haitani are gone so you just have me for right now." I said letting them inside.

I observe their body movement and the way the walk to pin point what type of person they are. The one with short hair had a very arcane way to him while the other was more subtrist in a sort. "The bedroom is upstairs down the hall a couple doors down. I'm sure that my butler Koharu will show you the way." I said grabbing my coat that was hanging on a door "I'm sorry but who are you?" The man with long hair asked "I'm Y/n Haitani. Now. I trust that you men will fix the bed and leave with everything in the house intact when I come back" I said putting on my shoes next "Um Ms.Y/n it is very cold outside, I think it's best that you stay home." One of the maids spoke "I appreciate the concern, but I didn't need a weather forcast Mary. I'm sure Fox news will like some though. Try applying there." I responded nicely "At least let me call a car for you Ms.Y/n" Koharu suggested "My legs work just fine" I declined "but-" "Goodbye everyone".

It was 8:30am when i arrived to my destination "Good morning Ms. Hinata" I greeted her knocking on the open door "Good morning Y/n! Lovely to see you again. Come in and take a seat" she welcomed me. I walked inside closing the door behind me. I took off my coat and sat down on the couch. "So how has everything been since last week" she asked me "Everything has been the same as always. Nothing has changed." I respond "Care to go into more detail?" She continued "Mother and Father still fight every morning, i still take my etiquette class, then of course I have my personal teachers. I personally don't think I need them because with every subject is given to me I already know it. My only joy in life is with Goro and the cases." I tell her. She takes a couple of note before deciding to speak again. Within those few secs I take a look at her left hand to see a ring on her ring finger. "Have you been proposed to?" I asked tilting me head a bit "Oh no darling" she laughed "Well kinda... I guess" she started to get flustered. "This is off topic. I'm your therapist so let's continue." She said and that's exactly what we did for the next 3 hours.

"I'll see you next week, right?" Ms. Hinata walked me to the doorway "Yes ma'am" "Well then, see you soon" she patted me on my head lightly before turning around and closing her door. I like Ms. Hinata she's the only one other the Goro that does treat me differently. Let's me be me and not some prissy little girl that doesn't know how to defend herself. Mother and father always keep me inside or if I was to go out I would have to have someone with me, but that can't happen. I can't trust nobody.

I feel a vibration in my coat pocket it was Goro calling me. "Hey Y/n" "Hello Mr. Goro" "Can you stop call me a "Mr" it makes me sound old" he complained "It's only me being respectful" I said "And I appreciate that but I'm only 26" he chuckled "What do you need Goro?" I changed the subject "You know the serial killer case we were working on for a year before it the chief took it off?" "Yes." I answered "Well we just got a file and it's the same killer again. I got the opportunity to take the case and I was wondering if you're still up for it?" He asked "Of course I am, if it brings me closer to death then I'm up for it." a small smile creeped in my face "Don't say that." He sounded serious "Stop by the prescient tomorrow and I'll give it to you" he said "See you then" and I hung up the phone.

When I made it home I seen 2 men in
Bedroom service outfit getting in their van and taking off. That's good they finished when I got home.... weren't they wearing suits before though? I paused collecting my thoughts. Then I ran to my front door in a panic. When I stepped foot in the house I seen the living room TV on with the two men from earlier sitting on the couch watch a show. I walk infront of the TV with a cold glare and they both looked at me. "I'm sorry for this inconvenience, but you guys are not the workers that were paid to be here. I suggest you take your leave now before I call the police." My voice was monotone as each word came out my mouth. They both looked at each other then back at me. "How are you gonna kick us out our own home?" The long hair guy asked, but I was still confused. "Hello, I'm Ran and this is my brother Rindou but he goes by Rin" the man named Ran introduced "I don't recall asking for your name" my eyebrow raised "Well you're gonna need it from now on" Ran said "And why is that" I scoffed and what came out his mouth was something I wasn't prepared for.

"Because it seems that we are siblings"

"Because it seems that we are siblings"

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Everything Will Be Fine| Haitani Brothers x Secret SisterWhere stories live. Discover now