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I swipe away the disgusting smell of the cigarette smoke away. "What do you wanna talk about?" I lean my head into my hand gazing out the window as the waitress places our drinks on the table. He takes a minute to answer "What's you're favorite thing to do?" I turn my head to him confused Thats shit he's gonna ask I roll my eyes thinking about how to answer that stupid question. It was quiet for a minute or two"...... I guess catching guys like you... the bad guys" I say softly "pfft. Sounds boring" Mikeys voice echos in the coffee cup "Hey! Your the one who asked me what I like!" I get defensive "Yea but I was expecting some rich girl shit like riding a pony or some shit..." he swang his hand around left and right rolling his eyes. I grab my cup of hot chocolate and look at the cute bear face floating on top of it.

"I don't have anything other then that. I'm stuck in to house all day. Helping out Goro is my only joy in life." I take a sip of the drink "Then why are you so eager to go back to your house" he asks me another question "....." I gulp Why do I want to go back... Is it because of father? No.... but if I don't go back home I'll have a rude awaking waiting for me. I look down at my feet "I have my reason-" I get cut off "Family issues?" My head shoots up at Mikey How the hell... "Look. I don't need to have a therapy session with you. I already have someone for that." I say finishing my drink "Oh really? And who's that" Mikey says while taking a huge bite of the dorayaki. "Hinata Tachibana." I answer waving my hand trying to get the attention of the waitress "Yes ma'am." She smiles "Can I get another hot chocolate and 2 cookies" I ask "Of course" then the woman walked off, "Anyways..." I yawn.

"What?" I tilt my head

Mikey looked at me in shock almost. I looked at him a werid "Uhh yea... I think she got proposed to." I giggle "She's a really sweet woman and really does deserve the whole world...." She saved my life

|5 years ago|

"You ingrate!" Father grabs my arm roughly and drags me down the stairs to the front door. "MOTHER!!" I cry for help from my mom but all she did was stare at me with zero emotion. "Koharu!" I call out to him to but he turns his back to me. Father opens the door and the cold winter air hit my skin. He tosses me out the door and I fall into the snow, "Get out my sight you disgusting mistake!" He exclaimed shutting the door.

I shiver wiping off the snow from me. *sniff* *sniff* I wipe the tears away from my eyes I don't have a sweater or a scarf. I hug myself and move my hands up and down to create friction. Maybe I can go into town to find a sweater I start to walk away from the house in search for a bus stop. I feel sleepy my walk turns sloppy and I begin to drag my feet. Its getting harder to open my eyes I look to my left seeing small alleyway I could probably take a quick nap in there. I make my way to the small space between the building and squat down leaning myself on the wall behind me. This.. feels.... nice..... I close my eyes letting exhaustion take over.

. . . .

"Darling... Honey wake up.. Can you hear me?" I slowly start to open my eyes, waking up from the voice of a young woman. "Oh great your alive!" The women sighed in relief, she looks probably around 20 - 24 years old, has a pink-ish peach colored hair and a soft gentle face. I tried to move but all my body could do was shiver, I look at my hands and they're really pale. "You could've died of hypothermia!" She panics "Where are your parents?" She asks me trying to warm my hands, I recall what happened and sob again feeling my tears freeze have way down my cheeks. "Oh honey please don't cry" she wipes the tears from my face "Come here" she reaches out for me and helps me up to her car. She seats me down in the passenger seat blast on the heat. "My house isn't to far from here..." she quickly buckled herself in the car "... I have some soup at home so that'll warm you up!" She smiled.

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