Their Friends

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"Are you guys du-" I pinch the bridge of my nose trying not to shout at them. "Take me home. Right now." I command, but none of them are listening. "I don't give a fuck, that was the most stupidest shit I've ever heard." Ran continues, "Come here y/n before Rin's stupidity affects you" he hugged me shaking his head "Shame on you Rin" mocking Rin again. "Shut up and let's go" Rin walked passed us grabbing my arm in process to lead me inside.

The inside of the club was loud and crowded. "It smells like lube and 54 year old men in here" I shout over the music to Ran "You get used to it" he responded. The were half naked women spinning on the poles dancing or dancing on older dude that has a bad oder. We finally stopped walking and were in front of a red door, Rin knock on the door twice before we heard a voice from inside saying "Come in". Both of the brothers went in first before I did and the shock of panic shot threw my body, head to toe. The faces in the room were familiar, my brain started to go through a scanning process of where I might have seen them. Then it clicked.

Bonten struck again. A homicide near I95 in a intersection 7 people murdered, 1 under critical condition. There was one witness who reported seeing a slim male with pink hair,a male with white hair described him as zombie like and on the screen you will see a illustration made by one of our artists. This is what the men should look like.... If you see these men please run as far away as possible, find a safe place and call the police

I just remembered a news report that had went out a few days ago the two men that were illustrated looked liked the two men sitting right in front of me. My breathing pattern became irregular, my heart rate pounded so loud I can hear it in my own ears, and my hands... my hands shook slightly barley noticeable. Everyone in the room must have knew what I was feeling for they got up and I immediately took 2 steps back. "Y/n what's wrong" Ran tried to reach out to me but I quickly slapped his hand away and turned around running out the door. I could only make it a few steps before knocking into a tall male with... horrible eyebrows. "Where you think you going?" The man smirked picking my up by my shirt and walked my back into the room. "Mochi put her down" Rin groaned and so he did, I caught myself from falling face first into the ground and quickly got up. Now the big guy named Mochi is blocking the door.

I move myself to a corner catching my breath a bit. "Your not some damn deal maker" I whispered to the brothers "we said that it could vary" Ran said "You work with a fucking murderers!" My language shocked me, but I couldn't care less in the moment. "Wait how do you know that?" Rin asked and i pointed at the man with white hair, when I lifted my finger the guys surrounding the man with white hair all got tense. One of them reached for a gun and in response I reach for my pocket knife like if that would help me. "Him.... I saw him and another guy on the new. They killed seven people and one under critical condition" and because I literally work for the police, but I don't think you need to know that.... "Of course she did" a guy with a scar on his left eye scoffed throwing his hands in the air "I think she's taking about Sanzu, he was there with me that night" the white hair guy walked up to me. As he did that I heard a small whisper from Rin "On that topic... where is the druggy?" He lead to his brother "Dealing with the crybaby" Ran responded "Poor Takemichi, he never learns".Mikey finally reaches me and we just stared at each other for a few seconds. His eyes were dark, not only the color of it but just around his eyes are dark. He's pale and thin. He looks like he doesn't sleep at all. "We didn't do it" he proclaimed "Thats what they all say, what makes you different?" A small gasp was heard from Ran, but that was him being dramatic while im internationally panicking. "Because I'm telling the truth. The people were dead when we got there" "oh really? And what did you plan to do with them if they were alive?"

He stood silent. The room was silent. Everyone. Was. Silent.

"Hm" was my only response. "I want to go ho-" before my feet could make it to Ran and Rin my arm was grabbed tightly yanking me back, "Mikey!" Rin and Ran shouted in unison in return the man named Mikey turned his head at then glaring. "Boss" both brothers said at the same time again this time bowing their heads to look at the floor. Mikey turned to me and pulled me closer to him, "Watch yourself you have no idea what type of shit your in now. This is my playing field." He threatens me "If your going to make me a piece in your game, don't be surprised if I decide to play." I don't back down, he just looks at me then lets me go. He walks back to his seat lighting up a cigar. "Your gonna help us kill this serial  killer" he said "I  know nothing about any killer of any sorts" I lied "Y/n Haitani, 15 years old, relations mother Kana Haitani father Haru Haitani. Friends? Goro Akio. Goro's job status is a Detective." I looked over at Rin and Ran with a pissed face They set me up. Mikey continued "Says here that he has a private investigator that works with him personally. Hm... doesn't have a name here. Only info about them is that their a female." When he finishes reading whatever document he has he looks at me "Seems like whoever this Goro guy is have friends in darker place's"  say with a stone cold face. Mikey didn't seem to like e that answer very much "Shoot her." he commanded and all the men stood up again pulling out their guns "Woah! Woah! Woah! Hold on!" Ran said with his hands up "You said she can help, but she does seem useful to me so Im letting her go" Mikey shrugged "Boss let me tal.... Let us talk to her" ran said yanking Rin next to him. Mikey stared at Ran then back at me coldly. "2 minutes", and with that Ran drag both of us out the door.

"You have to take this offer," Ran stated "I don't have to take crap! And this isn't even a offer its ultimatum!" I shout "You set me up you asho-" Take a deep breath and close my eyes clenching my fist "You'll die if you don't help us. Your lucky that he even gave us 2 minutes people like you don't get any chance." Rin started to speak "why would you guess care what happens to me? The reason why im here with you guys is because you need my help. So guys can quit the sibling shit because we will never be that. I will NEVER be like you guys." I spat out of frustration and anger. I storm into the room "Shoot m-" "She'll take it!" Ran quickly covered my mouth "Ehem... She'll take." Ran fixed himself "You will?" Mikey looked at me, i was about to say no but Rin secretly slapped the back of my head causing me to nod. "Great. So you can come by tomorrow and we'll start... that's if your free tomorrow.. aren't you?" Mikey's alone were threatening but I stood my ground, "No, actually im quite bus-" I receive another slap in the head but from Ran. "Yes she will be free tomorrow" he said looking down at me then to Mikey. "You can leave now. The adults have a few things to discuss" Mochi said "Im sure your brothers can take you home" Mochi's eyes glanced at them "We'll fill you in when you get back" he said before leading me out the door with Ran and Rin behind him.

When we got outside it was almost night time Already? "What the fuck was that!"Ran shouts "Why are you yelling at me for!" Rin shouted back, "You didn't help on bit! I carried that whole meeting!" They bickered again. I walk away trying to make my way home but then "Hey! Where you going?" Rin said to me "home." I say coldly still walking. They run up in front of me stoping me from walking. "We're taking you home, it's almost night." What ran said made me remember about the pill bottle Koharu gave me. Shit. Its passed six. I reach for my right pocket... then my left.... then I pat all over Where is my bottle? I huff. Now the brothers are arguing "What do you mean that its my fault" "that's exactly what it means its your fau-" "SHUT UP!!!" I yell over them "You BOTH caused enough damage! It's BOTH of yours fault! Now I'm stuck in a situation I have not business of being in!" I finished yelling. They look at me with shock in their eyes. "So yes i will be going home alone. I have legs god damn it, I'm my own person! .... Let me go." I calm down. "Wow your like mom..." Rin mumbled and I look down at my feet "Here." Rin comes up to me and hands me a stack of cash which I look at in confusion. "Go get yourself something to eat before heading home" and he moves some hair behind my ear. Does he think I'm broke... oh well more for me. "Im sorry for today" I heard him slightly whispers not thinking I heard him and I walk off.

Im about five minutes away from home now. Koharu is probably pi's- "AAAAAAA" I heard a scream from a alleyway I just passed Its not my business. Whatever is going one does not concern me....... But that would mean that im just as bad as the next killer... shiiiiiiiiiiit. I groan turning around seeing what was up. When i walked up there was a man being up a woman hitting her head on the brick wall. "You fucking slut!" He spits on her then walks my way passing me. My footsteps echoed the closer I got to the woman, I look down at her frail shaking body. She's a prostitute. I see the used condom next to her. "What do want" she whimpered looking at the ground, I pick up her head with my index finger her eyes widened seeing that I was a young female. I observe her bruises and marks on her face before saying anything. I let her head go grabbing some hand sanitizer cleaning whatever gunk was on hand I got from her. I squat down to meet her face to face and hand her the stack that Rin gave me. "Get you some food, some aid supplies and find yourself a job" my monotone voice echoed. I stood back up looking at her up and down "get yourself some clothes too.". All the lady can do was stare at me as I walked away finally heading home.

 All the lady can do was stare at me as I walked away finally heading home

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