Save Me

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"Y/- . . ."


". . . Y/n wak-"

. . .

"Y/n! Wake up!" A cold splash hits my face and I jump up gasping for air "What the fuck!" I shout "AY! Watch your profanity" Goro scolds me "Goro!" I leap towards him "Hahaha! Good to know your still alright." He pats my back "Excuse me ma'am if you can give us a few minutes with you we just need to check to see if your ok" a man in a white coat walked up to me . "Go get checked. Ill let you know what I found out." Goro ruffles my hair and helps me up. I take a seat on the emergency truck as the man shines lights on my eyes "Open." He says and I open my mouth "Alright... you seem all go! You might feel a bit drowsy though or a bit weak but other then that you should be fin- what is that?" He turns my head with his hand "What is it?" I ask hesitantly "Hold on there's a purple substance on your neck.." he goes to grab a swab and comes back wiping it on my neck "Look." He shows me the purple substance and hands it to me. "Can I keep this?" I ask wanting to run some test "Do whatever you'll like with it." He waves me off and leaves me alone.

"Hey y/n!" I turn my head to the voice Oh. My face looses all emotion when I see Ran, Rin, Sanzu and Mikey start walking to me. "Where have you've been?!" Ran shouts "Here." I give a short answer and point to the alleyway there's cops surrounding the mans dead body I was previously laying next to. As all of their heads to the alley I quickly slipped the contaminated q-tip in a small ziplock bag and put it in my pocket. "What happened here?" Mikey asked but I just stare at him rethinking about all the stuff Mitsuya told me ".... After I went to drop off Miko I heard a gun shot and went to check out what happened. I saw that man on the floor..." I look over to the dead man "... and then seen the figure of the person who shot him. I tried fought guy and lost." "Obviously" Sanzu makes a comment "Shut up coke bag" I snap "You little shi-" "What were you thinking! You go away from that sound not to it! I swear teens theses days are so impetuous!" Ran says that last part to Rin. My eyebrows furrowed as I kept of looking at body.

That could've been me.
That could've been me.
That could've been me.
That could've been me.
That could've been me.
That could've been me.
That could've been me.
That could've been me.

"Hey." Mikey puts his hand on my shoulder catching my attention "You alright?" He ask me with a cold gaze.

I can't trust him.
He's dangerous.
I can't trust him.
He's dangerous.
I can't trust him.
He's dangerous.
I can't trust him.
He's dangerous.

"Y/n?" His voice send a shiver down my spine, but when I look at his eyes again... his gaze softened ".... Yes. ... I'm fine." I gently take his hand off my shoulder "You don't look fine" he raises a eyebrow "Then stop looking" I answer blatantly "Then why" "Y/n" I hear Goro voice call me "Oh... hello Mr. Sano." Goro's demeanor changed "Hello detective.". Both of the men stare each other down intensely to the point were the air was thick "We got some new of this scene, so if you don't mind..." Goro takes me to his side "We do mind actually. So if you need her you need to bring us along as well" Rin grabs Goros arm "It isn't start putting your hands on a detective. Especially with the amount of police around." Goro make a slight threat "It's naive of you to think that it's just us that came here" Ran smirked "Got eyes on 'em?" Rin brings his hand to his ear talking into a mic. Next I know I see a red dot on Goro's chest What the fuck?! I stand in front of Goro letting the red dot be on me instead "Ok we get it! Tell him to drop the gun and let's go" I demand, the red dot disappeared from my chest and I sigh.

We all walk to the scene together and I see Sanzu acting weird "..." I don't say anything at first but when I see him twirl around I giggle "Sanzu." "Yes?" "Are you high?" I ask with a smile "Am I what?" "High?" I repeat "......Hi." He smiles letting the corners of his mouth reach ear to ear and I laugh He's totally on something. "So the man's name is Jake Martinez he-" "Wait..... Officer Martinez?" I questioned "Yes... unfortunately." Goro confirmed "Who is he?" Ran kicked his body "Hey don't kick him! He's a retired cop!" I hit Ran's shoulder "He WAS" he commented and I punched him again. "Anyways! He was shot twice in the abdomen, but it seems that there was a bit of strangulation before hand. If I had to guess... Mr. Martinez tried to fight back and the killer had a gun with him. Then that would be when Y/-....." Goro continues to talk but all I could think about is the berry that was on the floor, This makes no sense... I pick up the berry and observed it Belladonna. My heart dropped immediately as the situation settled in I crossed paths with the belladonna killer I grab the zip lock bag from my pocket and put the berry in it. To make sure I gotta test what the substance was on my neck and compare it to the berry. "Y/n?" "Huh?" I turn back around swiftly hiding the bag behind by back "What are you doing?" Sanzu put his hand on his hip "Minding my business. Damn." I roll my eyes walking pass him and the group. "Hey." I get the attention of a officer "Good morning Ms. Haitani. How can I help you?" He asked with a smile "I need you to send this into the lab for testing. Once you have the results send them to this address." I write Ran and Rin's address "Does detective Goro kno-" "You tell him or anyone about this I'll have you fired" I threaten "You can't d-" "You don't think I you tampering with evidence at our last investigation? Snorting the coke that was leftover. Oh and how will Ana feel about your affair with the hooter waitress Jessica." I hissed "..." he doesn't say a word "Don't you have kids too?" I asked in a low tone, he nods "Don't be that dead beat dad who screws it up for everyone. Okay? Now go send those to that lab and get me back my results pronto." I pat him on the back "Yes ma'am" he bows and quickly walks away.

"What was that about?" Mikey says from behind me "Its for me to know and for you to find out." I answered "Did you get all the information you guys needed?" I turn to him "Yep, your friend thinks it was probably just a regular killing not the Belladonna fucker" He pulls out a cig "We'll see" I whisper to myself "What was that?" He puffs "Nothing. You really shouldn't be smoking at a crime scene... or smoking in general." I wave hand trying to remove the smoke that was coming near me. "You think you can take me home, like my parents house. There documents that are still over there." "Yea sure" he shrugged and called everyone so we can go.

. . . .

We arrive at the house and I see mom and dads car Fuck. Rin and Ran look at me like if they know what's already doing on in my head "You want us to go with you?" Rin ask ".... I got it." I get of the car and take a deep breath Im ok... there's a 99.9% chance imma get yelled at and a 00.1% chance they actually missed me. I walk yup the stair with a bit of fear and my hands shook a bit I got this. I open the door and there I saw my butler Koharu and broken glass on the floor "Ms.Y/n! Where have you've been?! Your parents livid! Your dad! He-" "Y/NNNNN!!!!!" Dads voice rang threw the halls and made both me and Koharu jump "Ms. Y/n you have to leav-" Koharu gets thrown to the side and hits the wall "Koharu!" I try to go and help him but my dad grabs me by the wrist "Where you've been?!" "Ah! Dad!" I yell out of pain, the mix of alcohol and cigarettes filled my nose as he threw me to the ground as well. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shout quickly getting up and holding my rib cage "Ms. Y/n!" Koharu try's to get up and help but dad kicks him in the stomach "SIT YO LITTLE ASS BEFORE I RUN YO ASS OVER!" He kicks Koharu again "YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!" My voice crack from fear and hyperventilation "YOU THE FUCK YOU CALLING CRAZY" dad starts to stomp towards me "YOU! YOU BIGFOOT MOTHERFUCKER!" I exclaimed and start running for my life.


WHY DID I SAY THAT?! I THOUGHT I WAS DEAD BEFORE, IM DEAD NOW! I run to the kitchen and see a pool of blood on the floor with moms lifeless body on top of it with a knife sticking in her stomach "MOM!!!!" My hands shake on controllably and tears swell up in my eyes. I hear dads footsteps gets louder and him get closer so I grab the knife that was sticking g out of mom. Dad enters the room and I have my back turned to him hiding the knife that was in my hand "Y/N YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF SHIT!!!" He stomps to me and grabs my shoulder "IM GONNA KILL YO-!" He stop... and looks down at his stomach seeing the knife that got plunged into him. My breath shakes as I pull the knife out and stab him again. He drops to his knees and looks up to me with nothing but anger and resentment in his eyes "I'll see you hell." He spits "Don't wait for me" was the only thing I could say.

"Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?!" I hear Ran and Rin's voice come from the entrance of the house. I take out the knife from dad stomach and watch him fall then I make my way to where everyone is at "Ms. Y/n..." Koharu makes my presence known and everyone face is in horror when they see me even Mikey's.

"... When I die.... Don't mind coming to my funeral is you're gonna be this late...."


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