7. Deals

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I remember it rather well; it was on one of those evenings when the moon was out early, and the sun was just going to bed on the horizon. The people were buzzing to their homes like worker bees returning to the hive. They nestled down and locked their doors, allowing themselves to believe that they were safe to fall asleep. It was quite the opposite for me, I was out and about as I always was. The position of the sun does not concern me, I am always awake.

I find that at nighttime people are more honest with themselves. Under the moonlight, people reveal their deepest desires and darkest fantasies, the things that they would shudder to say in the illuminating light of day. Maybe it's because the darkness around them feels like a blanket, a thin shroud of security that assures them that it's safe to come out. Or maybe it's the opposite? Maybe the light of day is too revealing for them, and they skitter away from it like bugs under a branch. Whatever the case may be, this was my time to play.

I pride myself on my keen eye, I can see things that you wouldn't believe. I can see the thoughts inside your head bubbling to the surface, I can see the desire rising in your heart, but the thing that I see the most is your sin. What an interesting thing sin is, what a nasty, repugnant little thing. It's something that you all do, so much so that some of you often fit it into your daily routine. But none of you want to admit it, you prefer to hide behind the mirage of perfection that you project into the world. How funny, the one thing that universally unites humanity without question is the one thing that you will never acknowledge.

On this day I saw a woman, or perhaps she saw me first. She very much reminded me of you. She was young but her eyes told me that she had seen enough for a lifetime. She stood tall and proud, her posture rivaling some of the sternest soldiers I know. Unlike you, however, I could smell her faith on her. The devote have a presence, a scent that lingers around them like a shield. This intrigued me, she seemed like the sort of person that should be in a pew- not in the presence of someone like me. We sat across from each other, and I knew immediately what she wanted. But of course, I let her tell me, I am nothing if not polite.

She was hesitant, they always are. Her thoughts were flushed with doubt and worry, two things that go together better than wick and fire. But while her mind was swirling with inaction, her desire burned hotter than the sun. Outwardly I appeared calm, I always do, but on the inside, I waited readily.

"I need a child." She said to me.

"Then have one." I toyed with her. "People are doing it all the time; believe me I know."

She broke my gaze for a moment, if I wasn't as observant as I was, I would have mistaken her ashamedness for embarrassment. "I... I can't."

"Oh, I see. That is a real shame now, isn't it? God rolled your genetic dice and you struck out in that department, what a pity." I would have offered a hand of support, but I reasoned that she would run away if I made any sudden moves. "Now, what do you want me to do about that?"

"I want you to give me a child."

"But Maria, we've barely met."

This time her look away was most certainly of embarrassment. "You know my name?" She replied slowly- I like it when they're observant.

"You think I didn't? Come now, you've read the good book hundreds of times, you should know that I am great when it comes to names."

"I know the word of God." She replied immediately, almost like it had been rehearsed. "I know about you and what you do, and I am not a fool enough to know that speaking to you right now is a sin in and of itself."

"So why are you gracing me with your company then?"

"Because..." Her words moved slowly from her mouth, she regretted having to say them. "I must fulfill my duty."

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