Chapter 1

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Liked by:chrissy_boy,solo.homo,yourfav._live.
767,673 others

Sadieis_bae:Fucking kid is in a hot tub at
2:58 am take your ass in the house !!


Chrissy_boy:never mf🙄
-Sadieis_bae:i hope you get fucking
Kidnap bitch🙃
-Chrissy_boy:no you don't :))

Solo.homo:that's were tf he's been @mega_matt
I found him
-mega_matt:finally I thought he got fucking kidnapped bye Olivia again @yourfav_live no offense
-yourfav_live:nun taken lmao 😭✌🏽

User1:I ship them so bad
-Sadieis_bae:eww never
-hotter.twin.hev:shut up don't act like
You didn't have a crush on him in the 2nd grade
-sadieis_bae:I was fucking 7 or 8 he's just my homie

209,234 more


Matty b 💗
Are you down to hang tmr?

sadi 🤩💖
Yea sure can you pick me up tho.
I'll buy you McDonald's!!

Matty b 💗
Only because your buying
I'll pick you up at 12:30pm

Okay thanks Matty
Love you 😘

Matty b💗
Love you to
Read 3:23am

Sadie pov next morning:
I just woke up and it about 11:45 am
And Matt is picking me up at 12:30 so I stared getting ready. I grabbed blue plaid pj pants that I stole from Chris and a black crop top with a green cover up and my converse I didn't really care to do my make up But I
Did a little mascara and highlighter and blush with lipgloss.

Skip 10 minutes

I got a text from Matt and he was outside. I ran downstairs and out the house I hopped in the passenger seat.

"Hi sadi". Matt said looking at me like I'm crazy

"Hey Matty boy"I said still trying to catch my breath

"Okay let's get this show on the road" Matt said while staring the car and pulling out my driveway.

Skip to when the get to the triplets house

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