Chapter 7

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Edited chapter .

Chris pov:

I had a hundred things racing through my mind about Sadie and Olivia and I didn't wanna break neither one of their hearts . Especially Sadie .

"Chris"."Chris" I hear Olivia shout around the house.
"I'm in the living room " I shout my voice echoing through out the quiet house "I been looking for you Chris" she shouts running in the living room I nod my head in response .

"Are you mad at me baby" Olivia said laying her head on my shoulder "no..and don't call me that" I reply moving away from her "is this about little miss home recker" she cocked an eyebrow at me "why do you always have to bring up Sadie like really ! And she's not an home recker because we were never anything serious" I shout standing up

"Don't be a dick Chris" Olivia rolled her eyes "I'm not. Your only here because your mom and my mom are friends and I started to catch a little bit of feelings for you, but im always gonna love Sadie more" I tell her in honesty "you know what fuck you chris you told me you loved me" she shouts in rage.

"No I didn't" I say rising an eyebrow.

"Just forgot it I'm sleeping in the guest room" she walks off shaking her head.

I feel like a dick but she needed to know.

VERY short chapter but I want the next chapter to be big . And I'm sorry for this long ass break I took and I think I matured In my writing so yea but I love y'all !!! And I can't believe the triplets are not teenagers anymore my boys are growing up to fast 💕😭

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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