Chapter 4

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Skip a couple weeks when
avani and madi get there



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Tagged:@avani.Gregg @chris.sturniolo @madifilipowicz @mattsturniolo @haven.garcia

Liked by :chris.sturniolo avani.Gregg and 357,807 others

Sadie._garcia : the trio is back and haven didn't want to get in any pictures but one of the pictures is me helping haven sneak out to give Matt a kiss

Chris.sturniolo:just to let y'all know the pic of Sadie helping  haven sneak out and just to give Matt
A damn kiss bc he so fucking clingy sadi and haven got in so much damb trouble!!
-haven.garcia:stfu Chris and stop talking about my baby bitch !!!

Avani.Gregg:miss us together
-sadi._garcia:me too ml :))

User1:so no one talking about the pic of sadi and Chris !!

User2:I heard Olivia and Chris talking again 🫢
-user3:fr me too lol

In real life

Sadi pov:
Avani and madi  where hanging with haven today and I wasn't feeling good so I didn't go but Chris some how ended up at my house and brought me Pepsi and chicken noodle soup that Mary loo made and it was really good tbh and we were watching the summer I turned pretty.

"Bro I swear if she doesn't just make up her mind on who she wants omfg" Chris says while shouting at my tv " Chris stfu I'm trying to watch the tv" I said throwing one my pillows at him "sorry but she's pissing me off"Chris Sadie looking pissed off as I laugh."stop fucking laughing at me okay" he said pouting like a little baby "okay I'm sorry" I said still laughing a little while playing with he's hair .

Skip to when the finish all the episodes

Chris pov:it's been awhile since me and Sadie hang out and we just got finish watching the summer I turned pretty,we we're pretty hungry so I went to Sadie's kitchen and made us sandwich's and when I came back Sadie was crying I don't why but but I felt bad so put the sandwiches down and sat on her bed next to her and she crawled up on my lap "Sadie what's wrong ?" I said play with her hair to try and calm her down "it's my dad" she said stumbling on her words "what happened" I said looking at brunette girl in front of me "I didn't go out with haven and girls bc my dad went out to get drunk again and hes fucking crazy and I didn't  want haven to be here when he got home so I said I was sick and who knows he could walk in these house at anytime and take all he's anger out on me so I'm fucked he's the one who told me I couldn't go out and that's why I didn't want u to come over"she says wiping her tears and still stumbling on her words "I'm sorry Sadie I didn't know about ur dad coming home and if he is your not staying I can't trust ur dad from what he did last time"I say putting a piece of her hair behind her ear "thank u for always be there exactly when I need to ramble because your the only one who listens"she said laughing and blushing a little "no need to thank me I'm always here okay" I say smiling
,then we stayed in silence it was a comfortable silence,"so are-" Sadie says looking me in my eyes "no we're not" I say cutting her off and locking eyes with her"oh I'm sorry I keep saying that everyone keeps bringing up in my comments and I just really don't like her and I feel like if you are me and you shouldn't hang out alone because you Know she doesn't trust me because she assume that I have a crush on you and I don't want to ruin your relationsh-"I cut her off by kissing her idk why but I did .

Sadi pov :
"oh I'm sorry I keep saying that every keeps bringing up in my comments and I just really don't like her and I feel like if you are me and you shouldn't hang out alone because you Know she doesn't trust me because she assume that I have a crush on you and I don't want to ruin your relationsh-" He cuts me off and kisses me and it kinda felt right, I feel Chris's hand pull my waist on his lap I place my hand on his neck will he's hand rest on my waist I feel him kiss down my neck then kiss back up my neck to my jawline and back to my lips , I don't what happened but I couldn't pull away from him,we continued to kiss until we heard someone come up to my door,I got off of Chris which he groaned I laugh a little and sit down behind him and fake like I was doing little pig tails in he's hair and place one last kiss on he's cheek,next thing you know haven and avani and madi all bust in my room "what the hell are y'all doing" haven said looking at my neck I didn't know why and I was confused but I brushed it off "nothing I'm doing Chris's hair" I said nervously "so you said u were sick but Chris is here?" Madi said looking pissed "I didn't invite him he brought me soup that Mary loo made and he stayed himself" I say "yea yea okay" avani said shutting my door,I get up and look at my vanity mirror to see what haven was looking at on my neck and it was a hickey on my neck in the shape of ch and I turned around to look at Chris "why the fuck would you put a hickey on my neck in a shape of ch?"I say crossing me arms "I don't know just felt like it" Chris say pulling down on the bed to lay next to him and at this point I was blushing
Before he pulled me down completely grabbed one of the sandwiches he made us.

Arthur's note
Okay I haven't posted a chapter in awhile so here is the update and next chapter is going to really juice and please guys comment and give me ideas bc I suck at this but thank for almost 500 reads I love all of y'all so yea and please don't rush me it takes time and I have a life outside of writing and in no why shape or form I'm good writer I'm just doing this for fun but Chris and sadie kissed and I'm not trying to sexual Chris or Charli in anyway 💖🤭
Word count 1114 ahh

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