Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 : California?

Welcome <3 I hope you enjoy!! sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes!

You're sat in the metal and plastic chair in the principals office. He's a small man, with the baldest head you've ever seen before in your entire life. He wore a iron pressed fake looking navy suit and tie holding his hands at his desk as her glared at you.

"Now y/n this is unfortunately not the first time you have been sat in this office now is it?" He said raising his thick eyebrows.

"I didn't say it was?" You say raising one eyebrow. You sat like you were at home, you had one leg up on the armrest of the chair and you were slouching in your seat.

"Well, before i get onto your attendance i think i need to remind you of the standards we have here at Hawkins high. I understand this has been a tough few years for all of us. But i don't think that excuses your behaviour." He said rambling on.

"I'm sorry sir, why am i getting the blame for them girls starting on me? What did you want me to do? Sit there smiling at them, all i did was defend myself." You argue.

"Fair enough, but i think, after some students reports on the situation, you," he clears his throat " 'bashed her head in', was appropriate. Do you?"

"Well, i wouldn't say i bashed her head in. I only made her bleed a few times, two against one isnt a fair fight was it, and it's quite embarrassing that they both lost against one person if i do say so myself." You smirk.

"Either way y/n the matter of your attendance is still to be brought up, do you think its acceptable not turning up to your lessons?" he says leaning forwards.

"In my defence i only skip the lessons with the teachers that don't like me, they get me in trouble for no reason. I'm only walking away from a situation before it starts, like you told me to remember?" You smile.

"I've had just about enough of your attitude." He says raising his voice, he picks up the phone on his desk, pulls out a file and starts dialling a few numbers.

You read his mind, why does he have to call her.

You suddenly remember California. You turn around and check the other room for anyone outside his office. You lock eyes with the principal. Before he can speak you raise one hand slightly and the white mist begins to form and your eyes go cloudy. His eyes become a perfect reflection of yours, and you watch as he puts the phone down and returns the file back to the draw. just as you're about to go further the door slams open. You jump from your seat and the principal does the same. You turn around and his secretary is stood there, with her fake pearls and curled hair.

"I've called y/n's mother sir she's on her way-" She says looking up at him, "is everything okay sir you look a bit dazed?"

He takes a quick look around and shakes his head, "Yes im fine, must have zoned out. Um perfect, y/n can stay outside my office while she waits."

You sigh and roll your eyes to the back of your head. That bitch is asking for a smack.

You sit in the chairs outside the principals office, shaking your legs in anticipation. Before the door opens showing your mother stood there with a right face on her.

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