Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : The Game

Welcome <3 I hope you enjoy!! sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes!

You and Steve make your way to the gym where a tall blonde with frizzy hair is waiting. "Oh my god Steve!" She exclaims running up to you both. Steve takes his arm from around you as she throws herself on him.

"Hey, Brenda." Steve says through a forced smile.

She lets go of Steve and looks at you, "Who's this?" She asks smiling.

"This is y/n, shes here because her friend is on the team, and i said she'd be okay sitting with us." Steve says.

You smile at her, she smiles back then grabs Steve's arm. "Lets get good seats then!" She runs in while dragging Steve with her, you follow behind them.

The band is blaring music down your ears, people are cheering. As you enter the basketball team runs out the changing room cheering with the crowd. "Lets go tigers!" Is being screamed by the cheerleaders, and the team begins practicing by throwing, catching and dribbling the ball to each other.

Steve takes a leaflet from someone at the door and you follow them both towards the benches. "Does is bother you that like, we might win a championship right after you graduated?" Brenda says to Steve while twisting her curls.

Steve helps her up the stairs "You know yeah yeah, that's in interesting point, thank you so much for bringing that up Brenda." He looks back at you and rolls his eyes while you smirk.

As you follow him up the stairs you spotted Robin in band playing the trumpet, you give her a smile and she raises her eyebrows on you. You notice a ginger girl next to her playing the clarinet, after reading Robin's mind multiple times, you know who she is.

The band stops as the principal takes his place in front of the microphone. You give him a dirty look as he locks eyes with you. He clears his throat and puts his head up to the microphone. "Everyone please rise, for our national anthem." He pauses while everyone stands up, "Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own, Tammy Thompson!" The crowd begins to cheer and you notice Steve look at Robin with wide eyes. Tammy walk out with a frilly skirt and puffer jacket waving at the crowd. She begins to sing the most, off-key, high-pitched and pathetic version of the national anthem known to mankind. You squint your eyes every time the microphone squeaks, which was a lot. 

"Told you, muppet." You hear Steve whisper, he must have been saying it to Robin, you can't help and chuckle a little. He smiles and looks back in Tammy's direction. 

"Wow, she sounds amazing doesn't she?" Brenda says facing Steve. You smile and look away trying to contain your laughter. What felt like an eternity passed, you felt tears forming in your eyes, she finally stopped singing. The players got into their positions and the coach came over holding the ball. He whistled and the game started, Lucas on the bench again. "Push 'em back defence!" Being shouted by the cheerleaders and a mix of cheers echoed through the room. A few second in and one goal was scored by Jason Carver, Chrissy Cunningham's boyfriend. You spot Nancy with a few people in the Hawkins High newspaper by the doors, she was with a scrawny boy with glasses and someone taking photo's of the game.

Lucas looked back at you, he was clearly looking for the boys, you looked around quickly and their was no sign of them or Max. You smile at him and he gives you a drained smile back then he turns to watch the game. It was goal after goal on both teams, until someone from the other team knocked down someone from Hawkins and the whole crowd began to 'boo'. Jason got right up in the guys face while he looked back at him with a smug look. The boy on the floor had a limp leg and was carried off by two players. The coach of Hawkins points to Lucas on the bench and then back at the court. Lucas throws his jacket off and runs off into the game. You begin to join in with the cheer, for Lucas. You watch as more goals are scored, from each team. Steve, being the formal basketball player, begins shouting demands at the players, like "Shoot it!" or "Pass!" You smile and cheer with the crowd.  Until Jason calls a time out. The tea, talks for a few minutes, its mainly just Jason bossing everyone around.

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