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Blow My House Down Rated R

I watched as he smiled towards one of the freshmen as he handed out small goodie bags that our club/council, Pig Student Union, had put together for Pigston University's Summer Fest. He was our president and it was always shocking seeing him do things that other club presidents would deem below them.

That was one of the things I liked about him. He was kind, honest, and caring. But it was all going to be meaningless as this was his last year and last night at Pigston before he transferred to a prestigious college in California.

All these years since middle school I'd liked him and it was all coming to an end. He'd leave and I'd never cross his mind again.

"Iggy!" I turned at the sound of my name. Iggy Piggy or more known as Miss Piggy in the theater department.

In the past two years we'd both made a name for ourselves in our departments. Him in the Finance Department and I in the Theater Department. Despite our differences in interest we didn't separate. Our bond had intensified ever since he was there for me when my mom passed when we were 12.

"Yeah?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts to focus on who had called my name. It was a freshman in the theater department, Pigston. He probably came to bother me about our haunted house.

"Um, Peggy wanted you to help set up, something about the freshmans making it harder." He spoke timidly.

I rolled my eyes, she was a dictator more than anything. I hated that she was in charge but I can't complain because I gave up my role as haunted house manager so I'd have more time to hang out with...

I shook my head. My thoughts can't always go to him. I sighed and gave Pigston a forced smile telling him I'd be there in a few.

I made my way to our booth and leaned against a pole watching as he finished up with a new group. They walk away and I slip over to stand next to him. Leaning backwards against the table.

"You're really good with them, Porky." I note with a smile.

He smiles back, "Yeah, I guess," the smile falls. "It really sucks that it's all coming to an end."

A frown slips onto my face, "Hey, don't be like that." I softly play with a strand of his hair. "Look, catch me later, I'll be the one dressed as a zombie." I roll my eyes. "Don't forget tomorrow you can't leave without me saying goodbye first."

I stood up and walked from behind the booth when he called out to me, his hooves cupped around his mouth, "Zombie?!"

"You'll see!" I call back with a smile.


I walk around the dark third floor donning a pleated schoolgirl skirt, white button down, and a tan sweatshirt pulled over.

My pigtails swings as I bend over to pull up my white long sock and black buckled heeled shoe. My feet were killing me. I looked at the text again when I came to a stand.

Porky had sent me four words "3rd floor. In 5" that was 10 minutes ago as Peggy wouldn't let me leave. I walk a few steps more, the only sound being the clack of my heels.

I stop again in confusion when Porky still has yet to show up. I sigh and frown looking at the message again when I'm gripped by the waist and yanked into a dark classroom.

I let out a scream but it was muffled by a hand. I'm pushed against a neighboring wall in the class with an 'oomf' and I begin to silently panic. Is this how I die? Turned into bacon by a mystery guy?

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