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MINERVA NEVER LIKED the stuffy suit their father forced her and the others into. It was itchy and she always felt trapped in it. Plus, wasn't it impractical to wear a suit when you're fighting against the bad guys of the day? She'd already complained extensively to Number Three – Allison about this when their father announced their attire.

She adjusted the collar for what must've been the seventh time only for her hands to be smacked away by Allison who she could tell was glaring beneath the matching stupid mask that covered their eyes.

"Quit it, Minnie," her fellow brunette fixed her collar and tie back to their original position, "you're only making it worse."

"It's not gonna matter in a few minutes."

Number One – Luther shushed them as they snuck into the bank.

"Do you all remember the plan?" He asked, tone serious and demanding as usual or as Number Four – Klaus liked to say: like he has a pine tree shoved up his ass.

"Take the bad guys out for ice cream? Yeah, we know your dumb plan, you wou...wouldn't shut up about it in the car," Number Two – Diego hissed.

Luther tsked and grumbled something she couldn't understand.

"Are we gonna go in or what?" Number Five appeared next to Minerva who almost swung at him in alarm.

"Just get in position," Luther ordered, heading up to the roof (Minerva would definitely tease him for it later). "Allison, you're up."

Five rolled his eyes and gave Minerva's arm a tight 'be safe' squeeze that she responded to with a bright 'you too' smile. He faltered for a second, staring at her before shaking his head then in a flash of blue light, he was gone to his position just out of view.

Now that they were closer to the main entrance, Minerva could clearly hear the emergency bells blaring above them along with one of the weirdly dressed guys they were about to beat up.

"Hey, get them behind the counter!" He shouted at his friends then turned his attention back onto the radio. "Now you've put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do."

Minerva gave Allision an encouraging pat on the back just before she ran with Diego to the opposite side where they would come out together and take out as many as possible to make room for the others.

They waited for the signal, Diego bouncing on his heels, hands already inching for his knives. A gunshot and all hell would break loose.

BAM followed by an array of gunshots, breaking windows, and terrified screams.

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