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( november 2005 )

MINERVA LISTENED CLOSELY as Five described his desperation to convince their father that he was ready for time travel. She honestly hadn't seen him this excited since she'd set up a place on the roof for them to stargaze and talk for their ninth birthday. She was worried though. There were so many unknowns with this proposal and although she would always try to support Five and his decisions, this one she had trouble standing behind

"Imagine what they have in the future. Maybe there's flying cars or space travel."

"Like Star Wars?" She asked as she said, criss-crossed on his bed, watching as he paced while he ranted.

"Exactly like Star Wars, Star Trek, all of it! We could explore everything out there!" Five grinned from ear to ear, picking up his Rubix Cube from his desk and tossing it to her.

She quickly shuffled it and tossed it back. "But what about the equations? I thought they weren't done?"

He caught it and began trying to solve it as he answered with a shrug. "Our equations are great! I've got enough information that we'll be fine."

"We?" Minerva blinked.

He glanced at her strangely. "Yeah, you've been helping me with this so you're obviously coming."

She smiled and nodded.

"What's with the goofy look?" Five questioned.

"Nothin' just excited." She paused, remembering her worry. "But shouldn't we at least double check everything before we go?"

"I'll bring it up today. We'll check them after we eat."

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me, Min, everything is gonna be fine. Stop worrying so much."

He tossed the solved cube back to her. She began shuffling it again, but they were interrupted by their mother ringing a bell, signifying that dinner was ready. They filed out of the room, following their siblings downstairs and into the dining room where they waited silently for their father to come in. Minerva sat opposite of Diego and between Ben and Klaus.

Ben nudged her foot and showed her the book he'd brought down. It was a recommendation Allison had given him and he'd been pushing her to read it even though he knew she had been sneaking glances over his shoulder whenever he brought it down when they ate.

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