1; Home Sweet Home

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I park my car in front of my old house, the nerves eating away at me

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I park my car in front of my old house, the nerves eating away at me. I haven't been here in 12 years since my mom gave me away at the age of six. She sent me to live with my grandfather in L.A claiming that se couldn't handle the stress of raising two kids. It sounds like total bull to me considering the fact that she abandoned my sister only a year later and disappeared. Knowing the fact that I'm a witch, dad does his best to stay away from me out of fear even though he tried to hide the fact with the excuse of work. Finally sucking up the nerves, I walk up to the front door and pull out the key Bonnie sent me before my flight. When I enter the house, everything is pitch black dark and the house sounds empty. "Bonnie?" I call out, a little worried. When I called, she said that she would be home when I arrive. With a flick of my wrist, all of the lights pop on. Out of nowhere, Caroline, Bonnie, Tyler, Jeremy, and Elena all pop out from behind different pieces of furniture. "Surprise!" They all scream causing me to scream in an equal volume. While Jeremy and Bonnie laugh at my fright, Caroline runs over and jumps into my arms. The moment we make contact, I get a dark feeling from her. She's a vampire. "Oh my god, I missed you," she squeals. "I missed you to, Caroline," I smile. I turn to Bonnie and she immediately pulls me into her arms. "I'm so happy your here," she smiles. I can tell simply by the look on her face that she's been under a lot of stress lately. I can feel the magic flowing through her so I can only assume she unlocked her magic. "Hey there Little Gilbert," I say over her shoulder. I always towered over Bonnie seeing as I'm 5'7 and she's on 5'3. He pulls me into his arms next and I feel a strong force of magic. Whatever he is, he's not human. "How have you guys been?" I ask, plopping down on the couch. Even though I haven't been to Mystic Falls in a while, Bonnie often visited in L.A during the summers. "When did you get so hot?" Tyler ask, causing me to laugh. Tyler and I have been bestfriends forever and he often called me while I was away. Everything n though we were two worlds apart, he tells me everything and so do I. "We just skyped last week," I point out. "I knew you had a hot face but the screen blocked out all the curves," he chuckles, plopping down beside me. I throw my legs in his lap as Jeremy has a look of realization. "You're a witch," he says. "What makes you say that?" I ask, hoping to hide my secret. Everyone was so focused on the surprise that they didn't notice that I was the one to flick on the lights. "I was on lights duty but I didn't do anything," he says. "Well, it's not like any of you are human anymore either," I point out. They all nod in understanding. "Now, enough of our 'secret' abilities, does dad still have his old alcohol cabinet?" I ask her. "Yeah, but he moved it to his office," Bonnie says. "Great," I smile. "Want anything?" I ask them all. They all say no except for Ty. "Whisky," he tell me. I nod before walking off and into his office. Nothings changed at all. Sitting on his desk is a picture of both me and Bonnie at the age of five sitting on a picnic blanket. While Bonnies hair is in two puff balls and I have my hair out in it's natural curls going down my back. I walk over to the alcohol cabinet and pull out a bottle of whisky for Ty and a bottle of wine for myself. That's a debate me and him can have all day. What's better, wine or whisky? I walk back into the living room and hand Ty the bottle. According to Bonnie, dad's barely ever home anyways. By then, I would have replaced it. "You two have a problem," Caroline giggles. "I'm a Virgo," I shrug, taking another swig. Out of nowhere, the doorbell rings. Bonnie goes to open the door and outside I see a man. A hot man at that. He has ocean blue eyes and obsidian hair. Though, his posture reeks arrogance. When they're done talking, Bonnie comes back looking even more stressed than before. "Who's the hottie?" I ask. "Damon Salvatore," she huffs. "He's a vampire. Lately, we've been having a problem. The originals are in town. Well, Klaus and Elijah. Have you heard of them?" She ask. I nearly choke at the name "originals." I mean, of course I've heard of them. The oldest and strongest vampires alive. There's a whole family of them. "What about em?" I ask. "Klaus has already unlocked his werewolf curse but now he wants to make an entire army. Damon and Elijah cooked up a plan but, Klaus keeps his siblings in coffins and we need a spell to unlock the last one. He asked me to do it," she sighs. "Damn, maybe I should've stayed in L.A." The most dangerous thing there was sunburn. "I'm not gonna get involved with your vamp drama but, I will help you unlock that coffin. You look stressed enough. I'll focus on that and you take a small rest," I tell her, causing her to smile. "Thanks," she says, laying her head on my shoulder. "No prob sis," I say, taking another swig. I've got a good tolerance anyways.


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