3; Kol Mikealson

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I sit at the bar in the mostly empty Mystic Grill with a milkshake in front of me

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I sit at the bar in the mostly empty Mystic Grill with a milkshake in front of me. "Come on Matt, one gin. Nobody's really here anyways," I ask him once more. "No way, I want my friend to be able to get home today," he says. "How weak do you think my tolerance is?" I ask in fake offence. "Don't know and not testing it," he points out, causing me to sigh as he walks away. "Hello, Darling," he British accent from behind me says. I turn around to see the man from before. "You're the pretty girl who was in my dining room last night, no?" He ask in a flirty tone. Even so, I don't blush like he expects me too. "That would be me," I say, taking a sip of my milkshake. "One gin mate," he says to one of the waiters. "Incase you don't know, I'm Kol," he smirks. "Madelyn," I say back. "Madelyn, beautiful name," he says back as though he's mesmerized by it. "Why are you here?" I ask bluntly. "Simple, I saw a beautiful girl who caught my attention," he says in a serious but somehow flirty tone. Surprisingly, I hear a small laugh make it's way from my mouth. "She laughs," he cheers softly. The waiter sits the drink on the table and Kol picks up the glass and hands it to me. "Thanks," I smile. What is wrong with me today and how to hell am I falling for some simple flirting. If possible, I'd blame compulsion. "Now, what's got you out here drinking so early in the morning?" He ask. "I'm not one to spill my secrets with a stranger," I smirk, taking a sip of my drink. My comment causes him to laugh. "I should've known it would be hard to crack you," he sighs. "I have been known to be uncrackable," I laugh. "Oh, we'll see about that. I've been known to make the impossible possible," he smirks. "Keep dreaming Mr. Mikealson," I smile standing up after finishing my drink. "You order, you pay," I smirk, walking away. "Already planning on it darling," he yells from behind me. 

I plop down on my couch, the only thing flashing through my mind is Kol. Why, I don't know. Bonnie walks down the stairs, still in her pajama's. She must have slept in. "How long have you been awake," she ask, walking over to the coffee machine. About two hours," I sigh. "Make me some coffee, will ya?" I ask. She gives me a sleepy nod before getting out the coffee beans. once she has in her morning dose of coffee, Bonnie looks at me with a smirk. "Who is he?" She ask. "Who's who?" I ask, completely and utterly confused. "Oh please. I'm best friends with Elena and Caroline. I know that look like the back of my hand. Who's the guy?" She questions. My mind wanders to Kol, causing her to smirk. "You did it again. You just thought of him, didn't you?" She smirks. "Do what?" I ask, wanting to know what's giving me away. "I'm not going to tell you. You're just going to stop doing it," she smirks cheekily. There's no way I could actually like Kol Mikealson. I have a no vamp policy as well as a no love policy. "You're crazy," I scoff, standing up, not having a clue on where to go. I open the door, about to find somewhere when I see two white envelopes on the floor. Picking them up, I see Bonnie and I's names written in gold ink. "Hey, Bonnie. We have letters sent," I tell her, sitting back down. She looks at me confused and takes her own. I rip open my letter and read it out loud.

 I rip open my letter and read it out loud

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"You can't be serious," I laugh. "The moment they all get out of the box, they throw a freaking ball," I snicker. "Well, I'm not going," Bonnie sighs, ripping her letter. "Why not?" I ask her. "Somethings bound to go down where ever the Mikealson's are and I want no part in it." She says in all seriousness. "Fine," I shrug. "But, I'm going. Sounds fun," I say, standing up. "I'm going shopping," I say, walking into my room. I slip on some black jeans and a white tank top and make my way out of the house with my leather jacket thrown over my shoulder. I go store to store looking for a dress that just suits me when I bump into Elena and Caroline. "Why didn't you come with us," Caroline squeals, already picking up a dress and holding it to my body. "Figured you all had a bone to pick with the Mikealon's," I shrug. "Doesn't mean I'm missing a ball," she says, picking up another dress. "How about this?" She ask, picking up a red, knee length dress. "I don't do knee length's for stuff like this," I say. She nods before going back through the rack. "How about you, Lena?" I ask. "No clue," she sighs. "Caroline said I can't just pick whatever," she chuckles. "Go try these on," Caroline orders shoving me into a dressing room. I try them all on, none of them really looking like me when another hanger is hung on my door. This is the last one. I slide the dress over the door and slip it on, finding myself in complete awe at the dress. Slipping it back off, I peek my head out. "I'm going to check out," I call to the other's. When I walk up to pay, the cashier smiles. "It seems you are our 100th guest today. You're dress is free," she says. Well, damn. I nod silently as she begins to pack up my dress. I walk back over to the girls to see a frowning Caroline. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "There are a hundred dresses here and yet I can't even find one that I like. Meanwhile, Elena's paying for hers right now," she grumbles. "I'm sorry Care," I sigh. "Come on, once Elena's done, we'll keep looking," I say. She's about to say something else when Elena walks over. "Yeah, we'll find you something," she smiles. 

We spend the next two hours searching for Caroline a dress. How can one girl be so damn picky. "Look guys, I've got to go," I sigh. "I didn't mean to drag you out all day," she groans apologetically. "Don't worry about it," I giggle. We're friends, it's my job," I tell her. "I love you," she laughs, pulling me into a tight ass hug. Her vampire strength kicking in. "Ok, Care. Can't Breath.." I gasp out, causing her to let go. "See you guys tonight," I smile, walking over to my car. 

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