𝐢𝐢. 𝐁𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐎𝐧 𝐈𝐭

74 3 18


The bell rang, startling the ravenette who was eating at the very loud lunch table he was forced to sit at due to social pyramid standards in high school. His friends all got up, patting each other on the back and rushing off to their free period. The period we spent getting extra practice on the field. The boy sighed and got up, dumping his tray out and leaving it behind where all the trays were dropped off.

"Time to go throw a ball around and tackle each other in the burning hot sun." Clay sighed as he walked up to his best friend, Nick.

Nick Armstrong was a senior in high school who was only socially accepted since he was so damn good at football, he was fit, and he was hot as hell. He didn't quite enjoy most of the guys he hung out with, but they were good friends to him. Despite being loud, they weren't too bad. If he could at least block out what dicks they were to other people, he actually really enjoyed hanging out with them.

Nick scoffed softly, following Clay out of the lunch building and past the many students rushing to get to class. He waved to a few people who waved and greeted him as they quickly passed by.

"Yeah. Tell me about it..." he sighed softly. Clay chuckled and patted his back.

"You seem exhausted already." he hummed. Nick shrugged.

"I dunno. It's the end of our senior year and I don't even have a girlfriend. Who the hell am I gonna take to prom?" he scoffed. Clay shrugged.

"I don't know. We could just go together." he chuckled. Nick rolled his eyes.

"No thanks. I'm hoping to get laid anyway." Nick said. Clay wheezed and shook his head as he and Nick approached the door to the locker room containing all of their gear and gym wear for football and such. Nick opened up a locker and dug through it.

"Honestly, I'm willing to go with anyone at this point." he sighed. Clay raised a brow.

"Oh? Anyone~?" he cooed as he slipped into more comfortable clothes to be able to run around out in the sun. Nick rolled his eyes as he changed his outfit as well.

"Don't recommend some total nerd." he scoffed, glaring at Clay as he grinned.

"What if you get paid?" he asked, following Nick outside with an ice cold water bottle in hand. Nick took a swig of his own, relaxing as he stepped into the sun with ice cold water running down his throat. He brought the bottle down and swallowed what was in his mouth, shrugging as he took a small gasp for air.

"Maybe. Depends on who and how much." he said, jogging to the group of boys pairing up and getting ready to start the game. Clay sat down in the grass and looked to one of the guys in our group, Luke.

"Hey Luke. Nick's having trouble finding a prom date and I need a good amount and girl to place a bet." he chuckled.

"A bet?" Nick scoffed, sitting down, "I thought I was just getting paid."

Clay grinned and shook his head as Luke laughed, leaning back. The two always had something up their sleeve to fuck with him. Another thing, Clay loved bets. He made them all the time as much as he could to gamble losing or winning money.

"Oh yeah. I'm not just gonna pay you because." he said. Luke grinned.

"Here. I'll pitch in." he said. At that point, quite a few men on our team were listening in, intrigued by the game Clay and Luke started.

"I'll pay twenty and Clay will pay twenty. You'll make forty bucks to take some loser to prom." he said. Nick sighed and shook his head.

"Fine." he said. Clay shrugged.

"I'm down to pay for that. Nick takes a girl like that to the prom, he makes forty bucks. If he can't, we get forty bucks." he said. Nick rolled his eyes. No, he was not in the mood to lose forty bucks, but getting that money alongside taking some girl to prom was an upside if he won. He felt everyone's eyes on him as he processed the deal. They were burning into his skin, making his cheeks turn pink a little. He had only meant to complain about not having a girl, not for the whole football team to find out he was desperate. He knew at that point he couldn't back down. Not in front of everyone like this.

"Alright. I'm in." he said, watching the boys whoop and cheer as he took on the bet. He shook Clay and Luke's hand, chuckling as Luke squeezed his hand.

"Then it's a deal." Nick rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up." he snickered. He let out a small sigh and rested his hands in his lap.

"So, who's the special lady?" he asked, chuckling softly as he spoke. Clay paused as he thought.

"I don't know. Anyone have any ideas?" Clay asked, looking up to the group of football players. They all shrugged and shook their heads.

"What about her?" Nick looked to Luke who was looking up at the window of the building. He turned and looked over, squinting a little. He could make out a girl with darker brown, slightly red, short hair. She was writing on a small piece of paper before she folded it up and passed it to the girl sitting in front of her. She didn't at all look like a quote on quote "loser", but he could tell she was of some sort since she's the only one he could see in that class that he didn't recognize.

"The one with the short, dark hair? In the corner?" he asked, pointing at her. Luke shrugged.

"I mean, I was talking about the one in front of her, but yeah. Her." he said. Nick squinted as he couldn't get a good look on the girl since she was so far away. Eventually, she looked outside and Nick dropped his arm, looking back to his friends.

"You think you can get her?" he asked. Nick sighed softly and nodded.

"Alright. I accept."

One of the players on the team, George, squinted as he tried to make her out.

"Oh her? She's a bitch." he said. Nick raised a brow and looked to him.

"Is she?" He asked.

"Yeah. She hates people. Especially guys. I was partnered with her in Zoology once. God, she was so rude." he said. Nick paused, sighing.

'Maybe I made the wrong choice...'

"Let's stop talking about Nick's new prom date and let's get to the game." Clay said, getting up. Nick nodded and turned, the entire group splitting off from their small bundle in the corner. Nick jogged closer to the building, his place closer to that girl. He looked up and shaded his eyes, squinting as his eyes finally focused on the girl. She wasn't too bad looking at all.

She looked over and her eyes met his. He smiled and waved up at her, only for her to quickly look away. He felt his smile drop and so did his hand. He turned and got into position on the field, sighing softly to himself.

This was going to be a bitch...


𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 {𝐒𝐀𝐏𝐍𝐀𝐏}Where stories live. Discover now