𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝐒𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬

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Brielle could already feel her body tense as she stepped into the school gym where the prom was held. It was always so loud and packed. It was the main reason she never went. Still, one squeeze from Nick's hand caught her attention and she looked at the boy beside her. He smiled softly, letting her know that she still had him at her side. Brielle couldn't help but smile back.

"It's pretty packed, huh?" She yelled over the music to Nick who nodded and looked at the crowd of kids dancing to the music, the kids sitting by the walls of the gym, and the poorly chosen school Dj. Brielle followed his gaze, examining the room.

"Should we...go dance?" She asked. Nick shrugged and looked at her.

"Why not?" He chuckled. He walked more to the center of the room with Brielle where the crowd of kids was jumping, screaming, dancing, and shoving each other around. Brielle felt the warmth holding her hand slip away and she got lost in the crowd of people shoving each other around. She tried her best to look over people, having lost Nick entirely in the gym. Arms wrapped around Brielle's body from behind and she squeaked, turning and seeing Cassidy grinning back at her.

"Hey girl!" She yelled over the music. Brielle sighed in relief at the familiar face and she pulled Cassidy out to the walls of the gym.

"God it's so cramped in there." Brielle sighed, sitting against the wall with Cassidy who shrugged.

"It's not too bad." She said. Brielle smiled softly as she looked Cassidy up and down.

"I like the suit." She said. Cassidy chuckled.

"Thanks. I felt like going out with a bang and pissing off my parents." She said. Cassidy was wearing a classic black suit with a white button-up underneath. Brielle snickered and nudged Cassidy.

"Your parents get mad if you breathe slightly differently than how they want. I don't think there's any avoiding them being pissed off." She said. Cassidy shrugged.

"Well, this suit made their heads pop off." She chuckled. Brielle smiled and stood up, holding a hand out to Cassidy.

"Wanna dance?" She asked. Cassidy grinned and took her hand, standing up with her.

"Eh, why not." She said.

Brielle pulled her more towards the center of the dance floor, dancing with Cassidy. Well, less of dancing and more of the two girls spinning around together and laughing their asses off. As they danced to their favorite songs, the lights soon became a blue and purple tint and the music slowed down. Brielle blinked and looked around.

"Ah. Looks like it's time for slow dances." Cassidy said, letting go of Brielle's hands.

"You're on your own." Cassidy patted her shoulder and walked away. Brielle blinked in confusion and looked at all the people grouping up with their partners or friends. She frowned.


As Brielle looked around desperately for Nick, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and she was pulled close to someone's chest. She turned around quickly and came face to face with her boyfriend, Nick. He grinned at her and chuckled.

"I was wondering where you went." He said. Brielle rested her hands on his shoulders and smiled, relaxing knowing that he was at her side again.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to get separated." She giggled. Nick shook his head.

"No no, it's not your fault. This place is packed, anyways." He said. He pulled Brielle's body closer to his and allowed her to rest her head on his shoulder.

"Ever had a slow dance before?" He asked. Brielle scoffed out a laugh.

"You really think I have? You're my first boyfriend." She said. Nick snickered and pet her hair as they swayed slowly together.

"I'm honored." He hummed. Brielle gently smacked his shoulder, but she smiled up at him happily. Nick's eyes met hers and she got lost in his attention on her. Leaning up on her toes, she gently pressed her lips to Nick's. Nick closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, Brielle's chest pressing against his. It felt as if they were in their own world at the moment. Like nothing could bother them...

Well, nothing except for a tap on Nick's shoulder.

He pulled away from his kiss with Brielle and turned in confusion. Standing behind him was Clay, crossing his arms and grinning at Nick. Nick at first didn't understand what he was doing, his eyebrows furrowing. Then, after a moment, it hit him.

"Clay..." he started. Clay raised a hand to stop him and he reached into his pocket, pulling out his wallet.

"Honestly, I'm surprised. You win." He chuckled. Brielle looked to Clay and then to Nick, confused.

"What? Wait what's happening?" She asked. Nick paused, choking on his words. He looked to Brielle and then to Clay.

"Come on, man. Not now." He said. Clay handed him a twenty from his wallet.

"Luke said he'll pay you later." He said. Nick glared at him, not taking the money.

"Why is he paying you? What's this for?" Brielle was still asking questions, confused. Clay looked at her.

"Oh! We bet on Nick that he couldn't take a girl to prom." He said.

Brielle couldn't believe what she was hearing. Nick had bet on her? He only talked to her because he could make money off of her. She looked at him, hoping it wasn't true. She could see in Nick's eyes, though, that he was struggling to even look at her. She moved away from him.

"Seriously? You bet on me!?" She couldn't help but allow tears to well in her eyes. She was of course upset. She loved Nick.

"I...listen just let me explain—"

"Explain what? That you only tried to talk to me and date me because money was on the line!?" Brielle spat. Nick rubbed the back of his neck and finally met Brielle's eyes.

"Brielle, I'm...I'm sorry..." he said. Brielle scoffed in disbelief and turned, storming off and out of the gym entirely. Nick turned and glared at Clay, grabbing the money from him.

"You're an asshole, Clay." He growled. He turned and walked away from Clay, not wanting to be around him anymore. Clay chuckled and shrugged.



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