Orphans of the Apocalypse: Chapter 2

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Several hours passed, and Cynthia couldn't shake the feeling that the ringing didn't stop. It was getting dark to travel on the road, especially on foot. Cynthia kept Andy close to her as they walked, her arm wrapped around his shoulders, as he huddled for warmth as the cool breeze turned to a freezing wind.

"Where are we going, Cyn?" Andy asked.

"We gotta find a place to sleep before it gets too dark," Cynthia said as paranoia settled.

"Where is that?" Andy asked.

Cynthia didn't answer.

Further down the road, Cynthia makes out a tourist rest stop. It wasn't much for the siblings, but anything with four walls and a roof was better than nothing. Cynthia leads the way to the rest stop as Andy follows.

The rest stop had several abandoned vehicles, and luggage scattered and trashed around the area, with bodies of the dead burned and charred in a pile. The rest area itself was in a terrible state, none would consider the place to be a good place to sleep, let alone rest. The siblings made their way to what would be their shelter; a rest stop bathroom.

Cynthia aims her revolver into the bathroom. She taps the door with the barrel of the revolver, waiting for a response, but nothing. She leads Andy inside the bathroom and promptly shuts the door behind her. The bathroom wasn't the most ideal place to sleep but again, the siblings aren't going to complain, not to mention the smell that inhabited the room.

Andy pulled out his blanket and laid it on the floor near the sinks. Cynthia pulled out the small lantern and turned on the tiny dim light. "We're gonna need more batteries." She said, walking towards Andy, and setting up their bedding.

"I'm hungry," Andy said. "Can we eat?"

Cynthia pulled out the tin can from her bag that Andy had found earlier that day. "You deserve this one, kiddo." She pulled out a can opener and opened the top part of the can. Cranking the can opener, the tin can was open revealing a can of peaches soaking in its fruit syrup.

"Here you go." Cynthia handed the peaches to Andy. He digs his hand into the can of peaches and shoves them into his mouth. He smiles a little bit as he chews, and wipes his mouth.

"Are you gonna eat, too?" Andy asked concerned for his big sister.

"I'll eat after you," she said. "I'm just worried about you."

Andy continued to eat, chewing much slower to save some peaches for his sister. Cynthia stares at the lantern, she dazes off momentarily before Andy interrupts her with the can of peaches. She accepts the can, and Andy lays his head on Cynthia's shoulder. She digs into the can of peaches and eats slowly.

"We're safe here, right?" Andy asked. "No one is coming after us?"

"Yeah, we're safe here," Cynthia replied. "But we're only here for tonight. We're moving when morning hits."

"Where are we going?"

"Mom and dad said that the east coast is safer," Cynthia said. "We also have family there who are alive"

"Like Uncle Jonas?" Andy said.

"Yup, we'll be able to see them soon. Now go to sleep."

Andy began to close his eyes. She moved a jacket to cover Andy like a blanket for warmth. On nights like these, Cynthia kept look-out as Andy slept peacefully, about the only time for the eight-year-old to escape the hell that is the wasteland. Cynthia doesn't sleep, even in the most secure area. Sleep at the moment was a luxury to her.

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