A Road Leading Nowhere: Chapter 4

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Garrett stood his ground, aiming his rifle at the stranger. She held her arms slightly up, surrendering calmly, the eagerness of surrender was alien to Garrett. He couldn't take any chances, she may not be alone. There could be others in the treeline that he couldn't see. She could be bait. All these ideas went through Garrett's head, but a simple 'hello' never crossed his mind.

"I'm sorry to startle you," the stranger said. "I just saw you enter the cabin, and figured you were alone."

Garrett kept his rifle drawn at the woman. "You following me?"

"I just saw you," the stranger said. "Again, I figured you were alone. I'm what you call a recruiter. My name is Amanda, what's-"

"I don't give a shit what you're name is," Garrett said. "Are you alone?"

"Yes, I am," Amanda said. "By myself."

"Are you armed?" Garrett asked.

"I have a knife and a gun at my hip," Amanda responded. "They are for my protection. And no, I'm not giving them up."

"You can keep those on you," Garrett said. "I'm gonna get close and check you myself. So stay where you're at."

Amanda nodded. Garrett moved forward towards Amanda and circles her. He looked her up and down: a pair of leather hiking boots, torn jeans cuffed at the end, a pistol and knife holsters at the hip, an old pink Depeche Mode shirt under a field jacket, and an olive canvas backpack, worn and rugged.

Garrett finishes inspecting Amanda. "What do you want, Amanda?"

"Just a second of your time," said Amanda. "I get the vibe that you're on your own out here. I think it'd be good if you join me and my people. I'm sure we can help you. Food, supplies, whatever you need. All we ask is that you pitch in and help."

"Why would I do that?" Garrett asked.

"You could use a friend," Amanda said. "We all could use one. Trust me, there's a place for you with us. What do you say?"

Garrett thought about the offer. Maybe checking out the group wouldn't be a bad idea. The promise of supplies was tempting, but who knows if she comes from a raiding party or other nefarious groups. Still, his group needed supplies. He lowers his rifle slightly.

"Take me to this camp of yours," Garrett said. "And I'll think about it."

"Okay," Amanda lowered her arms. "After you meet our people, you'll want to stay."

"Lead the way."

Amanda leads Garrett through the small woods. Garrett had his rifle trained on Amanda, it didn't intimidate her or make her uneasy. It felt normal to have a gun drawn at her, leading someone to camp, almost as if she's done this regularly.


Grace pulled the lead on the dark brown Missouri Fox Trotter, while the other with a tan-beige coat grazed nearby. Grace was pretty close to the horse's head, she patted its neck as her fingers ran through the horse's long great mane. Jenny stood at the stables and watched, leaning on the fence as Grace interacted with the horses.

"You should come pet him," Grace said to Jenny leading the horse towards her.

"I'm fine," Jenny said. "I'd rather watch."

Grace ignored her, as the horse was already at the fence. "Come on," Grace said. "It's like a petting zoo."

Jenny was a little hesitant but raised her right hand slightly to the horse's head. Her fingertips gently brushed the head of the horse. After a few brushes, she uses her whole hand and pats the head softly. The horse's head nods upward and softly neighs, Jenny steps back thinking the horse doesn't like her.

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