Need You Safe

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"Well don't you two just look cozy. First date with the boss?" I heard the voice say and I instantly got a chill up my spine. I looked up at the person.

"Landon?!" I said in panic. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he sat down in Chris's chair.

"Ella, I have been telling you I wanted to talk to you and see you. I want you back and we will talk everything out." Landon said reached for my hand across the table and I yanked it away.

"Don't touch me." I said and he gripped my wrist and pulled it towards him. He looked at the scar that was from him. He ran his thumb over it and my breathing quickened.

"What was this one from again?" He asked almost sinister.

"The kitchen knife. It was after I dropped that champagne flute and it shattered. You got angry because it was your grandmothers and you started throwing things. You threw the knife and it slit my wrist open." I said and he nodded.

"Right, when we went to the ER that almost put you on a psych ward under a 72 hours hold for suicide attempt. If it hadn't been for me calling you accident prone and it happened while you were doing dishes they would have succeeded."

"Maybe I should have been admitted. I was crazy to stay with you as long as I did." I said and he gripped my wrist tighter, causing me to winced in pain.

"You think you constantly ignoring me and making me come find you is going to make your life any easier?" Landon asked and I sighed.

"Landon, you know I have a protection order against you. I could have you arrested for being here." I said and he chuckled.

"You should really have looked into the Ella, that was good for when you were down south. You had to get one for here, guess what, you didn't." Landon said and I had tears fill my eyes.

"Oh look tears of joy for us to be back together." Landon said and I shook my head.

"Landon, please just let me go. I'm getting to a chance to be happy again." I said and Landon glared at me and gripped even tighter. "You are really hurting me, let me go." I said and Landon just held on.

"I believe she said let go." I heard a voice say behind me and I knew it was Chris's voice.

"Ahhh Chris...they boss." Landon said letting me go and I started rubbing my wrist.

"The boyfriend." Chris said and I let out a sigh knowing he was there but also still felt like I was going to throw up.

" moved on?" Landon asked and looked at me.

"Landon...please..." I said and Chris instantly tensed more.

"The ex-husband?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"You need to go." Chris said and Landon stood up.

"You going to make me Evans?" Landon asked walking closer to Chris.

"No, but they will." Chris said motioning towards 2 police officers behind Landon. Landon growled.

"You called the police?!" Landon asked pissed.

"No sir, we were here to pick up some food and saw you assaulting this woman." The one officer said and I sighed. Landon looked back at me.

"We aren't don't here. I'll see you soon." Landon said and walked out with the cops. Chris came around to stand in front of me and made me face him.

"Let's go." Chris said and I nodded. I put my head down as we got to the car. Once we got in the car Chris pulled me into a hug and I started crying.

"Bri, can you do me a favor tonight?" Chris asked and I looked up at him. "Stay with me. We can go get you clothes from your place but I need to know you are safe." Chris explained and I nodded.

"Yes, of course." I said and he nodded. We went to my house and Chris came inside with me for safety incase Landon broke in or showed up. I packed a few changed of clothes and everything I would need for a couple of days. I know Chris said tonight but I liked being over prepared. Once I was all packed I walked back to the living room and grabbed all my work stuff that I had left out. Chris grabbed my overnight bag and I grabbed my work bag and we headed out of the house.

"How much did you bring?" Chris asked.

"A couple days' worth. I wasn't sure....-" I started to say and he shook his head.

"No that's perfect." Chris said and I nodded. He held my hand as we drove to his house. Once we arrived Chris opened the gate, we parked and went in the house and Dodger was so excited to see me.

"Where will I be staying?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"Bri, I would like it if you stayed in my bed, with me. I'm sorry I'm just so worried." Chris said and I nodded.

"Thank you. Do you think I could change?" I asked and he took me to his room. He showed me where everything was and I nodded. I grabbed some pajamas and went into his bathroom to change. I put on my short and tank top. I looked down at my wrist and sighed. Landon had bruised me. It was turning a dark purple and I sighed. I washed off my make up and walked into the bedroom. I saw Chris sitting on the edge of the bed changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and I smiled. He held out his hands for me and I smiled walking over where he sat on the edge of the bed. I took his hand and he pulled me to him. He then saw my wrist. I saw his face turn hard and he growled.

"Hey, I'm okay..." I said and Chris sighed and kisses all around my bruise on my wrist.

"God, I never should have taken that call." Chris said and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked and moved to sit next to Chris on the bed as Dodger moved to the floor.

"As I was leaving the restroom Megan called me to ask me some questions and I took the call. I'm so sorry Bri." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I'm fine Chris. Trust me if this is all he got to do, I got off lucky." I said and placed my head on his shoulder. Chris sighed.

"Not how I planned this night to go but I have some ice cream in the freezer. What do you say I get us both a bowl, we eat in here, cuddle and watch a movie?" Chris asked. I smiled at him.

"That sounds amazing. If I were you though I would hurry. I may decide to cuddle with Dodger instead." I said and Chris laughed and gave me a small kiss. Before he got up I sighed.

"Weird question, which side of the bed do you sleep on?" I asked, he chuckled and pointed so I went to the opposite side. Chris went to leave the room.

"Dodger....come on bubba." I said and he ran to the bed and jumped on it. Chris laughed and left the room. I smiled while I petted Dodger.

"Your dad really cares about people huh?" I asked and Dodger licked my face and I smiled. 

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