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Us girls arrive at the local libary. "Help me get this straight. Eddies uncle, Wayne, thinks that Victor Creel escaped from Pennhurst Asylum and that he is the one running around committing these murders?" Robin laughs. "Pretty much" Nancy replies. "She did just tell us that the whole car ride" i say. Robin turns to me and laughs. I begin to feel dizzy. "But Victor committed these eyeball murders, like way back in the 50s" robin asks. I stop in my tracks.

"I think i need to go and check on Eddie"i say turning around. "Amber" Nancy say making me turn back toward her. "I dont want you walking alone" she throws me the car keys and a cerebro. "Any trouble tell us and pick us up when we say to" she says hugging me.

That was easier than expected. I push in the keys and step on the peddle. The minute I arrive I quickly run into the boat house. He wasn't under the tarp or anywhere in sight. "Eddie" i shout though not loud enough for others to hear. I walk to the house at the front and check the back door. It was unlocked. I open it slowly and scan the rooms. When i enter the kitchen a figure jumps up and holds a knife to my neck. "Eddie. Eddie its me stop" i say out of breath. "Amber?" He questions loosening his grip.

He drops the knife and digs his head into my shoulders, he bends down far because im so much smaller than him. "Im here" i say wrapping my arms around him. I take his hand and walk with him to the living room and sit with him on the sofa.

"Im sorry i- we've been gone so long" i say to him. He doesn't answer, he just looks at me. I could see he was tired. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He sits up. "I am" he tells me. He doesn't break eye contact. "So princess" he closes the gap between us, he puts a hand under my chin making me look up at him. "Why so eager to see me when you could just be solving this fucked up mystery fantasy shit" he asks.

"It started with us and it will end with us. Im not one to let my friends get hurt you know. And close ones especially, im gonna help you out of this" i tell he. He moves his hands of me and jolts his head to the side. "Were not getting out of this alive you do realise that right?"


"We are part of plan. Were so close to the beginning of the end"

I quickly step away from his. I look towards the windows and see that the sky is filled with black clouds. 'This isn't real' i tell myself' when i look back at Eddie its no longer him. Hes tall red and just over all creepy. I recognise him. 'Vecna'

"You know more about Elevens memories than she does. You chose to keep quiet. What kind of a friend would do that?" Vecna walks closer as i back up. "This is my mind" i say closing my eyes. Im heavily breathing and I begin crying. One chine sounds. Then another. Then another. Then a last one.

"Jesus Christ man. Amber?!" I could hear Eddie but not see him. I open my eyes. I can see him standing by me but the place we are is completely black. "Eddie i shout" i look at my body. My eyes are open, but white, and im in the same position as before but my face is pale. I close my eyes and scream loudly.

When they open i see Eddie looking at me in horror, he has his hand over my mouth. Im still breathing heavily and i fall to the ground. "Amber?" He questions. "What happened"

"You were- i saw" i try saying in between breaths.


"I saw Vecna" i say his face goes pale.

"Amber code red meet us at the school. No need to pick us up" i hear Nancy saying from the Cerebro sounding out of breath. Eddie and i share the same look. "Shit" he says.

Word Cound: 710

Reflection - Eddie Munson X fem OcWhere stories live. Discover now