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Were all rummaging through the many many music tapes in Eddiew room. "God Amber your her sister Whats her favourite song" Max shouts over. "When i said I've never heard her listen to music I wasn't joking" i snap back continuing to search through the pile.  "He said you need to hurry" Erica says rushing into the room. "Yeah no shit!" Dustin replies.

"What is all this shit"

"What are you even looking for" Eddie asks.

"I don't know Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! we need music!!" Robin shouts at him. "This is music" he almost screams back shaking a Black Sabbath tape around. "She's awake. She's awake!" Steve shouts. When we look through the gate she's laying out of breath on the floor. "Don't just stand there help her through" Steve orders. We do as he tells us.

Once we've helped her out we go to Max's trailer hoping that if we are seen its in a trailer someone is actually allowed in. Nancy tells is to sit down and she tells us what she remembers.

"He showed me..." her voice was hoarsey, "things that haven't happened yet, the most awful things" this is when Eddie looked at me knowing ive had similar experiences. "What did you see" Eddie asked her still looking at me, "a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins" she finally lifted her head, "this...this giant creature witha gaping...mouth and this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters" her breathing was shakey. "These monsters, They were coming in to Hawkins, coming into our neighbourhoods. Our homes. And then he showed our family" she looks at me, "they were all..." she doesn't finish the sentence but we all knew exactly whay she ment.

"Okay but. Hes just trying to scare you. Scare us"  i say placing my hand on her shoulder. "I mean its not real" Steve says. "Not yet" i say. This is where everyone is confused. "Ive seen chrissy die, Patrick too before it happened. And i also..." i don't finish. I turn my attention back on Nancy. "There was something else. He showed me gates" as Nancy said all this Eddie didn't take his eyes off of me he sat infront of me. He looked very worried.

"Four gates spreading across Hawkins. And one looked like the outside of Eddies trailer, but they didn't stop growing. This wasn't Upside Down Hawkins this was our Hawkins our home" she let out a whimper.

"Four chimes" Max said. "Vecna's clock" i say and she nodds. I stand up concentrating. "It always Chimes four times" she says. "Four exactly" i add, "he's been telling us his blan this whole time" Max states. "Four kills...four chimes"

"Four gates" Nancy adds. "End of the world" Lucas says. "If thats true" Dustin adjusts himself, "hes only one kill away" we all look towards Max. "And me?" I question. "Somehow Eleven and i are connected to Vecna. Now I haven't figured out how yet, its like i know but theres just blind spots in my memories. My memories in the lab" i tell them. "Jesus Christ" Eddie shouts putting his yeah in his hands.

"Try 'em again, try 'em again" Steve points at the phone. Max picks up the phone a dials the number, we've been trying for ages, again. She puts the phone to her ear. "Anything" Dustin asks. "No" Max replies.

"Hey Amber" Eddie calls. "Your nose" he tells me pointing. I wipe the blood from my nose off. "What a minute" i whisper standing up. I walk next to the phone, a flickered silhouette of a girl appeared. "You guys see that right?" I question, they looked in the same direction and shook their heads. "Oh its just...thought i saw something" i sit down only this time i sit next to Eddie. I bury my head in his shoulder.

"Vecna can't hurt anyone in Lenora" Nancy turns to us. "Not if hes dead. We have to back in there" she states. "Back into the Upside Down?" I question. She nodds.

"No no no no"
"Your not being serious right?"

"Lets thing this through" Steve says standing up. "What is there to think through?" She argues back at him.
"We barely made it out of there in one piece"
"Yeah because we weren't prepared, but this time we'll get weapons and protection, we'll go through the gate. Find his lair and kill him"
"Or he'll kill is, the only reason you survived is because he wanted you too. Hes not scared of us"

"And for good reason" Robin stands up presenting herself, "We were wrong about Vecna, Henry, One. Sorry what are we calling him now?" She laughs slightly. Everyone gives a different answer. "Okay we've learned something new about Vecna/Henry/One. He's a number like Eleven and Thirteenth" she points to me, "Only a sick, evil, male, child-murdering version of them with really bad skin. But my...my point is, hes super powerful. He could turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers, its not a fair fight"

"So why fight fair" Dustin shruggs "your right hes like Eleven and Thirteen. That gives us an upper hand, we know their strengths"

"And weaknesses" i add lifting my head off of Eddies shoulder, "i don't know about you Amber, but when Eleven remote travels she foes into a trance-like state"

I nodd. "Exactly, maybe Vecna is the same when he attacks" i say. " that would explain why he was doing in the attic" lucas says. " I bet you when he next attacks he's back in the attic physical body defenseless" Dustin explains. "Defenseless? What about the army of bats?" Steve says pointing at the red marks on his neck, " True But we can find a way past them, distract them some how" Dustin suggests.

"And how do we do that exactly" Eddie lift's him up. "No idea" Dustin replies causing Eddie to throw himself back down. "But once they've gone. He doesn't stand a chance"

"That all sounds good in theory but there is no pattern in vecnas killings" Robin announces, "i mean at least not one i can decipher, we don't know when he's going to kill next. We don't even know whos he's going to attack next" "yeah we do" Max says. "I can still feel him, im still marked. Cursed"

"She ditches Kate Bush, she draws his focus onto her" i suggest. "Are you crazy?" Lucas shouts at me. "No shes right. I survived before, i can survive again" she looks around at us. "I just need to keep him busy long enough so that you can get into the attic. Then you can chop his head off, blow him up. Honestly I don't care how you put that asshole in his grave. Just...try not to miss"

"Wait a second" Eddie rushes to pick up a catalog and slams it on a table we huddle around, "check this out" he points at an add. "The WarZone. Ive been there once. Its huge, they have everything you need for. Killing things basically" he tells is, he seems proud to know the place"

"How is any of this legal?" Robin questions. "Well lucky for us it is" he laughs. This place is just far enough out of Hawkins as long as we steer clear of main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops and uh angry hicks"

"It'll take all day to bike there" Lucas moans. "Who said anything about bikes" Eddie laughs. I give him a glare, "yoh have some car we dont know about ?" I ask him. "Well its not exactly a car and its not exactly mine but...it'll do" he turns to Max.

"Hey red you got a bandanna, ski mask something like that?"

Word Count: 1305

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