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I walk down stairs

Tegan ; yoo

I hug shayla

Tegan : are u ok
Shayla : yh me and Steven are all good
Tegan; good
Jeremiah: where is our love
Tegan : I'm sorry i only love shayla
Steven : how could u not
Belly ; right we have decided us girls are going to choose a movie and then the guys choose a movie
Kian ; sounds fair
Conrad : can the girls choose
Belly ; be patient
Shayla ; right lets choose
Tegan ; i already say notebook
Shayla ; yep i agree belly
Belly : i am happy with the notebook i mean ryan Gosling
Conrad : uhh
Jeremiah: put it on

We sit down and kian and conrad complained about notebook but shayla definitely put them in there place and Jeremiah and steven were fine with it . We watch the note book and i cryed and cause i didn't want anything seeing me cry i put my hood up .

Kian : are u girls atchally crying
Jeremiah: don't call me a girl
Kian : oh shit i didn't even realise u were crying
Belly ; so is jere
Conrad : grow up all of u
Shayla ; conrad stop being heartless
Tegan ; its sad ok
Conrad ; its fake and don't call me heartless
Jeremiah: then don't act it
Belly ; everyone be nice some emotions have been heighten due to the movie
Steven : i say we lighten the mood
Shayla ; never have i ever do u have any alcohol
Kian : we do
Conrad: what about our movie
Jeremiah: lets play the game for a bit then to settle down we watch our movie
Tegan : kian get the alcohol
Kian : give me a second

He gets up walking off and me Jeremiah shayla and steven all sit on the floor

Kian : shot glasses and alcohol
Conrad : lets get drunk
Belly ; can we keep it pg
Kian: no
Jeremiah: we ask what ever we want
Shayla ; come on
Steven ; right never have i ever...gone skinny dipping

Steven shayla and Jeremiah drink

Shayla ; all different times
Belly ; never have i ever had wayer cone out there nose

We all drink

Shayla : never have i ever prank called someone
Conrad: theses are boring

I shake my head and we all drink

Conrad : never have i ever kissed the same sex

Me Jeremiah and kian drink

Kian : never have i ever had sex

They all drink other then me and belly

Belly : steven
Steven ; I'm a growing man and if u tell me mom i will kill u
Jeremiah; we will make sure she doesn't say a thing
Tegan : never have i ever ditched school

Yet again everyone other then me and belly drink

Belly : we are good children
Steven ; no your boring
Shayla: stop
Steven : never have i ever lied to my parents about where i am

We all drink

Jeremiah: never have i ever had so much sugar that u had sugar rush and passed out
Belly ; one time

Belly drinks

Shayla ; never have i ever peeded myself over the age of 10

Kian drinks and we all start laughing

Conrad : dude
Kian ; i was extremely drunk ok like really freaking drunk
Jeremiah: disgusting
Kian ; fuck off
Belly : never have i ever kissed more then 2 people in a night

Jeremiah conrad and kian drink

Tegan ; oh like u get anyone
Kian ; i get people
Tegan: sure
Conrad : never have i ever catfished someone

I drink

Kian : so mean
Tegan : shut up never have i ever been caught doing it
Kian ; u bitch

Kian drink

Jeremiah: you've been caught
Steven : u poor thing
Kian : twice
Belly : who
Kian : her and my mom safe to say i never had sex in my house again
Shayla;your poor mom
Tegan; poor me
Kian ; pay backs a bitch never have i ever dated a murder

I stick my middle finger up at him and i drink and they all look at me

Conrad : what
Belly ; u dated a murder
Jeremiah: explain please
Tegan : let me explain as far as i am awear he wasn't a murderer when we got together when we got together people told he wasn't good news and i didn't listen. Anyway we dated and he shot someone and tryed killing multiple other people .
Shayla : a-and what oh my God
Tegan : someone ask the question please
Steven : yes of course um..never have i ever sent a dirty text to the wrong peron

No one drinks

Jeremiah : never have i ever sent a sexy photo

Everyone drinks other then me and belly

Shayla : never have i ever flashed someone

Me and shayla drink and we carry on with many more questions and we were all getting very drunk.

Jeremiah: right someone video me and tegan doing this dance
Tegan ; i am in no state to do that move right now i will fall on my ass
Jeremiah: i don't care come on.
Tegan : oh shit

I hand shayla my phone and me and Jeremiah stand up

Shayla: go

Me and Jeremiah do the dance move from nicole's party and some how i manged to fo without falling over.

Kian : ew
Steven : yes Jeremiah
Belly : that butt looking big
Jeremiah: woo
Tegan ; oh my God i atchally need to pee so badly

I get up running to the bathroom and i do my business and open the door

Tegan ; oh my jesus

I hold onto my chest and conrad starts dying of laughter

Tegan: why were u right there
Conrad: cause i need pee aswell move
Tegan: no i need to pee again u scared
Conrad : u just went let me pee
Tegan ; no
Conrad : tegan move
Tegan : be quick cause atchally need to pee again

We walk past each other and he shuts the door and i jump around trying so hard not to pee myself

Tegan ; con please for the love of god hurry

I bag on the door

Tegan ; conrad seriously

I hear him laughing

Tegan : conrad i am about to pee myself
Conrad : hold your horses

He opens the door and i push past him and i slame the door shut and i pee again and i walk out

Tegan ; u are in my bad books

I point at him and he grabs my hand

Tegan : no i am serious my bad books
Conrad : i needed pee
Tegan : for 5 minutes
Conrad : i drank a lot of alcohol
Tegan ; liar conrad fisher is a liar

He covers my mouth

Conrad ; i am not a liar

I lick his hand

Conrad : oi
Tegan ; don't cover my mouth conrad fisher
Conrad : i preferred when u called me con
Tegan: fine i will carry on calling u con now come on lets go watch the movie u and boys picked
Conrad : wait
Tegan: what

I look up at him and he puts his hand on my face and he leans in

Tegan: i will see u in there

I go to the living room and i sit down and the boys had picked fast and furious and we waited for conrad and he finally came back in and we start the movie and half way throw i fell asleep

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