Rome 2

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"The woman is in the cell!" My Beta, Kelvin said to me.

"Is she a human?" I asked. Not many people had the guts to walk into my territory, only a person who is not aware of where this is would dare come in here.

"No, she's not. She's not a wolf either." Kelvin said. Suddenly, the howling of a pained wolf could be heard from afar. We immediately ran as we recognized the voice to be that of my gamma, we ran out to find him on fire. The guards that had ran after me immediately poured water all over him, the curtains were on fire as well.

She was about to generate another fireball and I instantly yelled, "THAT'S ENOUGH" I commanded my guards to fire an arrow that contained a sleeping potion into her, she suddenly fell asleep.

"Take her to the torture prison, make sure her hands and legs are hanged to the ceiling and the ground," I ordered my Beta and he nodded. He tried picking her up but he flinched.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She burnt me." He said. I lifted my hands and generated a snowstorm, though I hate using my powers often. The snowstorm fell on her and her body flinched. My beta then decided to pick her up, I was sure she didn't burn him anymore because he picked her effortlessly.

I immediately mind-linked my pack's doctors to send some wardens over here to come help my gamma, his wolf was hurt but his human body wasn't charred. He had shifted to his human form due to the pain his wolf was in. The pack doctor and some wardens immediately ran in and picked his body up. Thankfully, he was breathing but was unconscious.

I then snapped my finger and teleported into the torture prison. "What do you want from me? You bastards!" I heard her growl angrily, I stopped at my pace and decided to watch her reaction as my Beta approached her.

"I'll ask the questions here," My Beta said as he stood before her, the next thing I heard was a groan that escaped his lips as he held his face painfully. She spat at him, which earned her a slap across the face. Instead of wincing in pain, she smirked and he smacked her hard again.

"Enough, Kelvin," I said very calmly, my beta moved away from her and I took calm strides over to her, her eyes grew wide when they landed on me. I could see the fear in it, but she tried to fight it.

"What are you? And what are you doing you in my territory?" I asked very calmly but menacingly. I could see her shudder once again, but she tried her best not to show that she was scared. Her eyes bored into mine calmly and I could feel a surge of power run through me, it was a bit painful but it was nothing I couldn't withstand. My body vibrated dangerously and I could hear the faint voice of my wolf call out to me. My eyes grew wide at the sudden manifestation of my wolf, after ten long years. It was back, I heard him call my name once more.

"Rico," I said in my mind. He didn't respond, but I heard him say something. It was faint and I couldn't make out what it was.

"Rico!" I yelled in my head.

'MATE' I heard Rico yell in my head. What does my wolf mean? My mate is dead, she had died ten years ago.

"What do you mean by mate? Our mate is dead!" I said to Rico. I could see the eyes of my beta and the girl watch me weirdly as I communicated with my wolf.

'She's our mate' he growled. Then a realization hit me, this unknown species is my mate. I looked at her calmly and held her jaw tightly but not painfully, though she winced in pain.

'You are hurting mate you bastard, stop it' My wolf yelled at me.

"Shut up Rico, you can't just show up and control me, you have a lot of explaining to do later." I snapped back at him.

I let go of my mate's face and asked, "What are you? I am asking you one last time, I will kill you if you do not reply." I threatened and my wolf growled at me ferociously.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him. And then looked back at the blue-haired woman that stared at me. She was beautiful and had rapture blue eyes, she had a wound on her head that blood still seeped out of. It was fresh.

"And why would I tell a dirty wolf who I am?" She responded rudely and I summoned a knife using magic and placed it on her arm. She didn't look scared at all, in fact, she was smiling dangerously at me.

'Don't do it' My wolf whimpered, I ignored him and sliced through her arm. She didn't scream, she laughed, I felt disgusted at her behavior, she wasn't scared of me.

"I'm giving you one last chance, I swear if you do not speak, the knife will cut through your neck next," I said, she smirked, she looked like she wasn't going to say anything, she spat blood on the floor and smiled once more.

"I'm telling you nothing, you bastard." She said calmly and I placed the knife on her neck. Her smirk didn't fade away.

'Don't do it Eros, she's our mate,' My wolf said, his voice held great sadness and the knife in my hand instantly fell. She looked a bit pleased by the fact that I didn't slice through her neck.

I turned to my beta and said, "Kelvin, make sure she doesn't run. Give her little water and no food. And also, do not harm her." I added the last part when my wolf whimpered again. Kelvin nodded and I teleported out of the dungeon and into my office.

'Don't hurt our mate please, she looks like she has gone through a lot.' Rico said, he sounded so bothered about her.

"She is not my mate, maybe she is yours but not mine. I can not accept any other woman other than Amaya." I said to my wolf, he howled in pain at the mention of our ex-mate, Amaya. She was murderd ten years ago by a pack of dragons, hence, I destroyed the whole species of dragons to avenge her death.

'Amaya is dead, please give our new mate a chance Eros, I feel she's nice.' He said.

"You do not even know what she is." I hissed at him.

'Let me speak to her, I promise I'll find out.' He said desperately and I nodded.

"But I'm still angry at you for leaving me though." I said to him.

'I'll never leave again, now that I have a mate once more.' He said, he sounded really happy. But I, I couldn't deal with the idea of loving another woman other than Amaya.

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