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"Why did you stop me?" I yelled at my wolf. I do not understand why he loves that filthy dragon after what her kind has done to Amaya.

'She's our mate, you bastard! I won't let you kill her, I love her' He yelled back at me. Love? Does he know what love is? How can he love a dragon blood?

"You do not even know her Rico, you just met her today and you love her? Are you even listening to yourself?" I said to him angrily.

'You are the one who needs to listen to yourself Eros, she's your mate, and all you've caused her since you found her, is pain. She's scared of you, scared. You'd never do this to Amaya.' Rico said, he was hurt. First of all, that lady isn't scared of me, she's tough and I can see it in her eyes, I'd have to do something to scare her.

"Don't you dare ever compare her to  Amaya," And with that statement, I blocked the link between us. I slumped on my bed, I cannot love another woman, I shall never give a dragon blood Amaya's place in my heart.

Suddenly, I felt a message coming through my mind-link, 'Alpha, she's in the guest room.' It was my Beta.

'Thank you, Kelvin, you're dismissed for the day' I said through the mind-link and he thanked me before blocking it. 

I got up and snapped my fingers, I easily teleported into the guest room where I saw her laying on the bed peacefully. She looked like she has never been this pleased in her life, she grabbed a pillow tightly to her chest and snored calmly. I took calm strides toward her, this time I got to scan her body. She looked tired, her body had bruises and her feet had dry blood on them. The wound on her head and arm still seeped with fresh blood that stained the sheet of the bed.

I slowly lifted my left arm and touched her soft, silky blue hair, she shivered at my touch. She was awake, "I know you are awake, open your eyes!" I said to her. She shuddered once more and her eyelids slowly lifted, revealing her rapture blue eyes.

"Get your hands off me," She said, She sounded very brave, I began to regret not killing her. Her words made my wolf unblock the link between us. I knew that he wasn't happy that she didn't want him touching her.

'Move away from her Eros, don't hurt her' My wolf pleaded.

"I wasn't planning to." I snapped at him and then focused my attention back on her.

"What is your name again?" I asked while standing to my feet.

"Rihana, your worst nightmare," She said softly while sitting up and placing her head on the headboard, she had her famous smirk on her face, she's a very stubborn lady.

"Rihana," The moment her name rolled out of my lips, her face softened a bit but she quick to maintain a scowl, I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"I'm forced not to kill you, If I had it my way, your head would have been rolling on the floor by now," I said venomously, my wolf whimpered in my head. She hissed loudly, I could see that she doesn't care about dying.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked boldly. Her voice came out in a whisper though.

"Good question, I'm going to suppress your fire. I can't have you residing in my pack with it." I said to her, her face tensed up a bit. She was scared, finally.

"You can't do that," she said.

"Oh love, I sure can," I said. I raised my hand in the air and hurled an enchanted shield between her and her powers. A scream left her lips. She looked really weak. She tried generating fire but failed, which made a smirk roll onto my face.

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