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~Prologue. ~

Alexana sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, pausing in her training.

She had spent years at the Jedi Temple, more than she could count, training like the Jedi did, practicing their disciplines and learning what it was to be them. But she was never a true part of them. Having done the tests that they gave every potential Youngling to see if they had the gifts, Alexana had passed them but there was something else about her that she could do that other's couldn't. And in the eyes of the Jedi Council...It was too overpowering to make her a Jedi.

The gift in particular that she was referring to was her ability over electricity. It was the one thing that she could do that was different to everything else the Jedi did. Where they could use the Force to either turn off lights or manipulate them in some way, all Alexana had to do was place her hand on the wall and she could manipulate anything that was electric. Which, on Coruscant the planet that the Jedi trained on, was practically everything. She had snuck off and broken into rooms or buildings she was supposed to more times than she could count. And what made it better in her opinion, was that she had yet to be caught to this day.

Reaching for the bottle that she had set off to the side with water in it, Alexana leant on the quarterstaff she was using to train with today. Unscrewing the lid and lifting it to her lips, Alexana drank deeply from the water bottle, her eyes closing and her back to the door. Pausing for a moment as she sensed something behind her, Alexana lowered the bottle from her lips slowly before she unscrewed the lid from the bottle entirely. Fiddling with it for a moment, Alexana whirled around suddenly and threw it towards the door of the room she was using to train in. Seeing that Obi-Wan, her one and only friend of the last fifteen years, was standing there, hand held up and holding the lid to her bottle in front of his face with the Force, Alexana bit down on her lip before she gave him a sheepish wave.

"Sorry?" she said as she stood up straight once more, holding the quarterstaff at her side. Obi-Wan raised a brow at her before he adjusted his hand and the lid fell into his hand now. He watched her for a moment before he walked over to her and held out the lid to her.

"If it had been one of the Masters from the Council, you would have been in a lot of trouble," he said to her, and she shrugged her shoulders as she took the lid from him and screwed it back onto her bottle.

"I'd like to see them try and get mad at me. I'm only doing what they've asked me to do. Stay out of trouble," she said as she turned around and walked over to where she had placed her belongings. Behind her, Obi-Wan crossed his arms and raised a brow at his friend.

"And...How did you get into this room again? From what I remember, it's always locked," Obi-Wan asked her and Alexana paused for a moment before she turned to face him as she picked up her pack.

"It was unlocked..." she began to say before he gave her a pointed look. "Alright fine. I unlocked it. But in all fairness, Obi-Wan, they did tell me to find a room for my own practice since they won't let me train with the others," she said, defending why she had broken into the room. Sighing and shaking his head, Obi-Wan walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder before he spoke up again.

"Come on. They want to speak with you," he said to her, and Alexana scowled before she nodded her head.

"Do I have time to put my things in my room?" she asked him, and he shrugged his shoulders as they left the room.

Sighing and shaking her head, Alexana turned to the panel beside the door that operated the locks and whatnot for it. Tilting her head slightly, Alexana reached out and placed a hand on the panel and closed her eyes. Feeling that familiar surge of power flowing through her, Alexana sent it to the panel and the next second, where the light had been green for the door, indicating that it was unlocked, it turned red, and Alexana heard the familiar clicking sound of the locks locking into place. Removing her hand and opening her eyes slowly, Alexana turned to face Obi-Wan as the glow slowly faded from her eyes.

"Alright. Let's go," she said, and he nodded his head before they turned and headed towards her room.

After making a quick stop at her room to drop her things off and for Alexana to change into something more presentable than her training clothes, Obi-Wan and Alexana hurried towards the top most tower of the Jedi Temple where the Jedi Council usually held their meetings. When they reached the elevator at the base of the tower, they both saw Obi-Wan's Master, Qui-Gon Jinn waiting there for them, hands clasped behind his back and gazing out the window that he was standing beside. Quickly adjusting her cloak so that she was a little more presentable now that she was standing in front of her friend's Master, Alexana slowed her speed before she stopped and bowed to Qui-Gon as she spoke.

"Master Qui-Gon," she said as she stood up and he turned to face them before smiling when he saw them.

"Alexana. I was beginning to wonder if Obi-Wan would be able to find you," he said and Alexana bit down on her lip.

"Out of everyone in this Temple, the only other person other than Obi-Wan that would be able to find me would be you, Master Qui-Gon. And maybe Master Yoda," she said with a shrug of her shoulders, and he chuckled softly before he reached out towards her.

Frowning in confusing, Alexana remained still before she realised why Qui-Gon was reaching towards her. The necklace that Obi-Wan had given her on one of her birthdays a few years ago was visible. It was simple in its design, a single silver chain with a diamond shaped clear crystal as the gem and it was the only gift that she had that she kept to herself. The only other person who actively knew about it was Qui-Gon and that was only because he had seen it one day whilst she had been training. Quickly reaching up, Alexana tucked the necklace into her shirt and hid it. Seeing this, Qui-Gon nodded his head before he gestured to the elevator.

"Shall we?" he said and both Obi-Wan and Alexana nodded their heads before following Qui-Gon into the elevator.

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