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~Three. ~

A bongo turned out to be a manta-shaped submarine type underwater vehicle.

It was explained to them by one of the Gungans that no two bongos were alike as they were grown from a coral the Gungans had and using special techniques that they Gungans kept secret. It had a distinctive hull with long, electromotive tentacles that flowed out of the back of the vehicle and which spun for propulsion. This gave the bongo the appearance of an exotic squid. The hull was also heavily armoured, made this way to withstand any potential attack from Naboo's sea creatures in their vast oceans. The bongo also possessed long, twisting, tentacle-like turbines which gave the vessel as usually high speed. The vehicle was also equipped with a number of hydrostatic bubble shields which kept the cockpit and cargo areas dry and filled with air. These shields were able to be switched on and off to allow access to the cockpit and cargo areas and, should it be needed, the forward driving plane of the bongo was able to be ejected much like an escape pod.

"Hmm...That was so much more information about a bongo that I...didn't need to know," Alexana said as they were shown to one that would seat the four of them.

Obi-Wan chuckled softly before he nudged her and climbed up into the pilot's seat. Rolling her eyes, Alexana climbed into the seat behind his as Qui-Gon climbed into the one beside her and Jar Jar took the one beside Obi-Wan. Pressing a series of buttons on the dash in front of him, the shields for each seat went over them and the engines started before they were jettisoned out of the city and back into the water beyond.

As they travelled through the water, Alexana could feel herself growing more and more tense. She knew they were safe within the bongo, knew that it could take most if not all that was thrown at it but...It was the fact that she was underwater to begin with that was setting her off. Her hands clenched into fists where they rested on her knees and she closed her eyes, desperately trying to focus on the breathing techniques that she had been taught by the Jedi to keep herself calm. Letting out a small gasp as she felt a light touch to her hand, Alexana's eyes flew open, and she looked towards Qui-Gon when she realised it was him.

"Just breathe, Alexana. You can do this, and we won't be in this for long," he said to her, and she nodded her head, closing her eyes again as she focused on her breathing.

"Where wesa goin?" Jar Jar asked and Alexana cracked open an eye to look at him.

"Don't worry. The Force will guide us," Qui-Gon responded, and Alexana closed her eye again, returning her attention to her breathing.

"Oh~! Maxy big da Force. Well...Dat smells stinkowiff," Jar Jar said, and Alexana chuckled softly. Obi-Wan guides the bongo through the currents slowly and carefully before he glanced at Jar Jar briefly.

"Why were you banished, Jar Jar?" Obi-Wan asked and Alexana opened her eyes to look over at the Gungan as well, curious as to his response.

"Tis a longo tale but...uh...small part woulda be mess...uh...clumsy," Jar Jar replied, and Alexana frowned in confusion.

"You were banished because you were clumsy? What did you do that was so...banishable?" Alexana asked him and Jar Jar glanced back at her.

"Mesa cause-ed mabee one or duey...lettal...Bitty axadentes. Yud say...Boom da gasser, un crash Da Bosses heyblibber. Den banished," Jar Jar explained, and Alexana had to think awfully hard to focus on what was said.

Suddenly, the bongo jerked forward, and Alexana winced as she was lurched forward, and she knocked her head on the back of Obi-Wan's chair. Pulling back and turning around, Alexana's eyes widened when she saw one of the sea creatures had its jaws clamped around the back end of the ship. Alexana looked towards Obi-Wan and Jar Jar, who was promptly freaking out and visibly having the breakdown that Alexana sorely wanted to have.

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