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~Four. ~

Alexana stood at the entrance to the Queen's chambers on the ship.

She, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Captain Panaka had been summoned to the Queen's chambers once they were sure that they were safe and out of reach of the Trade Federation, something that Alexana had told them as the ship wasn't capable of reading that far out without help. They had brought the droid that had helped get the shields back up and running with them as Captain Panaka had wanted to explain to the Queen how they were saved once the shields went down. Before they had gone to see the Queen, however, Obi-Wan had cleaned and quickly bandaged her hand so that it would be covered. Pulling out a set of gloves from one of the many pockets on the cargo-type pants that she usually work, Alexana had covered her bandaged hand with them to make sure that no one would be able to tell if she was injured or not. Clasping her hands behind her back, she zoned back into the description Panaka was giving of how the droid saved them.

"This is an extremely well put together little droid, Your Highness. Without a doubt, it saved the ship as well as our lives," Panaka said, and Alexana's hands clenched into fists behind her back as she did her best to remain calm.

"It is to be commended. What is it's number?" the Queen asked, and Alexana watched as Panaka leant down to read the number that was pressed into a small metal plate just below the rotating dome that was its head.

"R2-D2, Your Highness," Panaka said as he straightened and R2-D2 let out a series of beeps that had Alexana holding back a chuckle.

"Thank you, R2-D2. You have proven yourself to be loyal. Padmé!" the Queen called and one of the handmaidens stepped forward. "Clean up the droid as best that you can. It deserves our gratitude," she said as she smiled, and the handmaiden named Padmé bowed. The Queen then turned her attention back to Panaka.

"Please continue, Captain," she said, and it was then that Panaka turned to Qui-Gon, who stepped forward now.

"Your Highness. With your permission, we are heading to a remote planet called Tatooine. It is well out of the Trade Federation's reach and once there, we can make the needed repairs to the ship and then travel on to Coruscant," Qui-Gon explained to her, and Alexana looked at her carefully before her eyes went to Panaka as he scoffed.

"I don't agree with the Jedi on this, Your Highness. Tatooine is dangerous and it is controlled by a group of gangsters known as the Hutts," Panaka said, and Alexana kept her hands clenched into fists behind her back to prevent herself from speaking up.

"You must trust my judgement on this, Your Highness," Qui-Gon said reassuringly, and Alexana looked at the Queen now, frowning as she turned her attention to Padmé, and they shared a look. Turning her gaze to the handmaiden, Alexana watched as Padmé moved over to stand beside R2-D2, who turned his head towards her before turning to look at Alexana. Seeming to know that she would understand him, he sent a series of beeps and whistles to her, and she nodded her head before looking up once more.

Once they were dismissed from the Queen's chambers, Alexana headed for a quiet part of the ship to think for a moment. Finding one at the very back of the ship, near where the cargo was kept, Alexana found a spot out of view of everyone and sat down crossed-legged, in a meditative position with her hands resting palm up and with her middle fingers touching her thumbs. Closing her eyes, Alexana began to do the breathing techniques she was taught by the Jedi when she was training. Before long, Alexana was completely immersed in her meditation. So much so that she didn't have to fight to reach out to the Force like she had to sometimes. Letting out a slow breath, Alexana sensed each and every being on the ship right now, from the pilot and his team to the Queen, her handmaidens, and guards, to the two Jedi who were her companions. One of which had found her and was sitting in front of her silently.

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