The Best I Can Manage

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry kind of a short update but I'm just trying to get the time line and the struggle Lily is going through after losing her husband to flow nicely. I don't want to rush it I want it to feel genuine and natural. So I hope your enjoying so far. Let me know what you think and thankyou to everyone who has commented and voted. It means so much.
Xoxo Jenny


It had been a few weeks since Mark had declared the beginning of our official friendship and he well and truly ment it. He'd come into the office around the same time every day. Somewhere between noon and one. There was always a genuine smile on his face for me as he'd come up to my desk and lean over to see what I was up to.

We'd get into small conversations here and there. It was never anything too personal though, I made sure of that. As much as his presence made my insides do back flips, and let's face it, who's stomach wouldn't, I was still just so unsure about dating or anything that resembled the ritual.

Letting out an exasperated huff, I leaned back against my desk chair, fanning myself. It was almost unbearably hot today. The kind of hot where makeup doesn't happen and your hair is held up by ever elastic band you can find.

"There's my favorite girl!" I heard a deep familiar voice. I opened one eye tawords the door and couldn't help but smile. There was Mark, smiling as usual in a plaid short sleeve shirt and jeans looking as attractive as ever. I closed my eyes again still smiling. Mostly in hopes that my blush would stop before it started.

"I guess your my favorite guy." I teased. If only he knew.

"Well if I'm not, which I should be anyway, hello, I will be after you see what I got you . "

"And what's that?" I laughed, opening my eyes once again to see him holding out a large sweet tea from Chick-fil-A. I gasped and grabbed the drink from his hands.

" Thankyou so much! I'm dieing here!" I heard him laugh as he leaned against my desk like he usually did sipping on his iced coffee.

"I can see that, your wearing actual shorts. Who knew August in California would be so hot." I took a giant sip of my favorite drink and nodded.

"I'm not even wearing any makeup!" I said fanning myself once again.

"Well, I happen to think you look nice this way." He stated and I could see he wasn't joking like he usually did. My brain froze, what do I do? It had literally been nine months since a man had given me a compliment. I was rusty, I didn't know what to do.

"Uh-nah, I mean okay...thanks." I stuttered, wanting to run away like the first time we had met almost two months ago. I guess he could see how uneasy I was and changed the subject, thank God. He reached behind into his back pocket and pulled out a flyer.

"Oh , I saw these posted around town and thought you'd find it interesting seeing as your all artsy." I set my drink down and took the flyer from him. I almost spit out the sip of tea I had taken. Kat Von D, a very popular tattoo artist, who happened to own an art gallery was holding an exhibit for local artists who submitted one piece of there choosing. Who ever got picked would be displayed in her gallery in three months time.

"Holy crap this so freaking awesome, thank you so much!" I exclaimed, smiling up at him.

"You really think I should give it a shot?" He nodded.

"I do, you've shown me some of your art, I think your really good."

"Really?" I asked, unsure. Doubting myself, if you couldn't tell, was my favorite sport and I was good at it.

"Absolutely, there's no harm in trying." He said and he was right. I nodded in agreement, folding the paper and setting it in my purse.

"Oh, uh Lily, I had a question actually."

"What's up?" I asked, typing in the information for the contest as I leaned my chin on my proped up hand. I heard him huff and looked up at him. He looked nervouse. I sat up straighter.

"Is everything okay?" I asked concerned. He nodded.

"Yeah, it's just I was wondering if you'd...well if youd like to go out to dinner with me?"

I looked at him shocked. Had I heard him correctly? He wanted to go out to dinner with me? I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.

"Like...on" I asked him and he nodded. Again my mind began to race as my heart pounded in my ears. I was no good at this and it wasn't like I didn't want to go on a date. To get dressed up for a guy and have him drool all over you and buy you dinner and open doors and hold hands. I missed it all but I just didn't know. I needed advice. I needed time to think.

"Could I give you an answer tonight?" It was the best I could manage.

"Absolutley, you have my number, just text or call me later, or if your here til late just come see me down the hall, okay?" I nodded, hating myself for not being able to just say okay, yes please take me out. He waved goodbye and went to do some recording I assumed.

When he left I sent a text to Suzy. We had become very close over the last couple of months. She knew more about me then most but not all the details. She'd be able to listen and understand my hesitation. Plus she knew Mark.

I need to talk to you, can we grab lunch later?

It didn't take long for her reply. She was always good with that and said that we could meet at the Starbucks down the street in a couple of hours. I let her know that was perfect and proceeded to send a text to my sister asking her if we could Skype later. She was my best friend and knew me like the back of her hand. Her advice would mean the most and hold no bullshit which is what I needed.

A few minuets later my phone dinged with a text from Emmy saying of course. She'd get on Skype around nine when she out my nephew to sleep. I set my phone down and groaned. I could only hope Suzy and Emmy would be able to help me find an answer before Mark changed his mind.

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