My Master Plan

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3 more months later

Soon after my sister left I began to find some sort of resemblance of a routine. A hair trim had been in order first, getting my dead ends and bangs evened out. So I still had a nice length right to about half way past my rib cage and my bangs were right above my eyebrows where I liked them. I even got my roots touched up so it was back to its "natural black" that I had had for about 10 years now.

Not only had my makeup needed to be replaced but most if not all my clothes. Before the accident I had been losing weight for personal reasons but because of the depression I had been suffering through because of everything that had happened, I had lost even more weight. About seventy pounds to be exact. I had never been a stick but I wasn't at a healthy weight either. I had weighed just a little over two hundred pounds. So I guessed something good came out of this.

Well, that and the money. It was a clean cut case what with witnesses and traffic cam evidence. The company of the truck that had ran the red light and careened into my husband, ultimately killing him, had lost by a land slid and owed me fifty thousand dollars in final costs and an extra fifteen for the emotional toal it had brought on me due to the fact that not only had my husband been in the car but so had our two year old Shiba Inu, Peach.

Which is why I hadn't been back to work as of yet. I was a veterinarian assistant and the thought of being around pets was to much to bare right now. So half a year of living the life of a widow and I was just starting to take regular showers, brush my hair put clean clothes on and even eat full meals. I was going places.

I had started to study to get my driving permit though in secret and in short sessions because any more then half an hour of reading I thought my brain would explode. Since I was over 21 and my husband wasn't around anymore to drive Miss Daisy where she wished I had to learn even if the very thought of being behind the wheel of a car scared me more then the thought of spending the rest of my life alone it had to be done. It was only one of the many things I had come to realize He couldn't do for anymore. And it just went to show how dependent I had been on Him and how long I had to go.

But you see, it was a very important part of my master plan. I was moving. Before Emmy had to go back home, after she had helped me go shopping and sort of help me get back on track, well as much as she could it was after all up to me to help myself through this and one weekend with my sister wasn't going to be a complete 180° as much as had wish it would. One of the last things we did together was go out to dinner, the first time I had been out to eat since the accident.

"What do you want to achive, what's the next big step sis?" that had been a hard question. Only a week ago it had been to be able to stop crying for more then half an hour . But she had struck a cord. Hell, the first time I went to my parents washer and dryer to do a load the next morning after my sister had arrived had been cause for celebration. She kind of took off the blinders, let me see a little bit of who was waiting for me once I was ready to move forward. The next day I would be going to get the driving manual from the DMV, but not before Emmy kind of pushed me to think deeper.

" What would make you happy?"she asked, sipping on her tea. I gave her a knowing glance. Could I go crawl into my husband's coffin and never come back out? No, I couldn't quite do that I had to keep thinking of what he would want even if all I wanted to do was die.

"I don't know." I finished lamley. Emmy groaned and spooned her food.

"Really I dont, I look at a stop sign I think of him, I pass a street, he's there, a park my dog is there I can't even go to work. There everywhere. And dont even get me started on when i see children." That was a whole other issue in itself and could most certainly be found in that dam box.

"How am I suppose to move on when I can't walk passed the town grocery store without wanting to cry?" It was frustrating but the most truthful thing I had said in months. With raised eyebrow my sister rested her chin on her propped up hands. Sighing, I sat back in my chair and pushed my food aside unable to eat.

"So move." she said simply

"What?" I asked kind if taken aback, but I heard her.

"What's stopping you from moving?" she asked.

"Uh,, dad..." I started but she cut me off

" No this isn't about them, this is about you, it's time to be selfish, where would you go?"

I thought for a moment at the idea of a brand new place where no one new me or my passed. If I was truthful to myself, it did more then give me a shiver of excitement .

"I don't my job..." I faulted,

"Oh whatever, you don't even wanted to go back. Your sitting on a shit tone of money, you can go anywhere, be anyone you want. Say the first place that comes to mind."

"California ," I blurted out . She looked shocked but in a good way as a smile spread across her face.

"Oh really, and why? That's a big change ."

"No seasons." I laughed looking down at my hands as I shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe give my art a try."

Her smile grew as she leaned forward .

"California has an amazing and growing art scene," she added. I nodded in agreement but faulted once more.

"It's silly though..."

"To who, it's not to you and that's what counts and what's more is its do-able"

The idea had stuck, the seed was planted and in the weeks that followed I studied for my permit, passing on my first try and had been looking up small apartments and jobs centered around a creative enviroment in California. When I first splayed the idea out in front my mother she looked like she might have a heart attack but she had seen the hope in my face and seemed to listen and even began to help. She even surprising me with a brand new portfolio to carry with me to interviews.

It wasn't exactly a spur of the moment decision to go with art. I had always been good , even wanted to be an art teacher. In New Jersey though, that's kind of impossible so I went with my second passion, animals. I worked diligently putting together my portfolio whilst listening a Gamegrumps or Markiplier videos and drew a lot of inspiration from Mortimer's new found passion for taxidermy. It was coming along great and I had even found a one bedroom apartment that fit into my budget. The only thing missing was a job.

I had found a few but nothing panned out so I decided instead of getting discouraged I would just keep moving forward.

And that's exactly what I was doing.

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