Bites To Eat and Bits of Advice

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Once outside I walked down the street tawords the near by Starbucks. The whole time I kept replaying the conversation that had taken place between Mark and I only a few hours before.

I hated myself. I wanted to say yes. God knows I did so why couldn't I? Because I was a coward. Sighing, I walked into the coffee shop and spotted Suzy in the back corner. She had ordered herself an iced coffee and a tea for me. I sat down and thanked her before laying my head on the table.

"Okay, so spill." she waisted no time, pushing my shoulder slightly.

"Mark asked me out on a date." I blurted out.

"What!?" she all but shouted. I sat back up and nodded, grabbing my tea.

"Yeah." I huffed taking a sip.

"That's great! You said yes of course." I gave her a look that let her know that no, actually I hadn't.

"What, wait why? I mean do you have eyes..."she asked as she placed a hand on my forhead. "Have you fallen ill?" I swatted her hand away as I held my face.

"I don't know what to do Suzy, I mean on one hand, I would love to go out on a date because it would be fun-"

"Well yes and Mark is so sweet, he's rather smitten with you." I gave her a look like she had three heads. She held her hands up in defense.

"Hey, I'm married you know, I know a tiny bit about these things"

"I was married too." I said it softly, pushing my sunglasses up my nose.

"Oh Lily...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that!" I waved her off.

"I know, I know but I was and I think that's what's holding me back." I finally admitted. Who was I kidding, of course it was! Suzy gave me an understand look as she patted my hand.

"That's understandable.It's ony been what, not even a year?" I nodded.

"Over half, nine to be exact. I guess I'm just scared." Suzy brought me into a hug then and I gladly excepted, wrapping my hands around her.

"Life's scary, but most things in life are" She held me at arms length so I could look at her.

"If it wasn't scary or hard or frustrating, it wouldn't be worth living." She was right. She had a knack for doing that. Which is why I love her. I let out a soft breath, letting her words settle in.

"You came here for my advice, correct?"

"Yes, desperately." I slouched in my seat.

"Okay then, here it is." She placed her hands on my shoulders."You are an amazingly talented, beautifully sweet girl who's had a rough go at life so far. But,"She held one finger up." As hard as it may seem right now, these rough times will pass. Things will get better. Look how far you've come from almost a year ago." I had told Suzy about my depression and how I hadn't taken care of myself back then. She shook me a bit, causing me to smile." And at every new beginning we must do something were not too comfortable with."

"Like moving to L.A." I stated, seeing where she was going with this.

"Exactly! If you hadn't moved to L.A. You would have never got your kick ass job, you wouldn't have gained the friends you have know-"

"I wouldn't have bumped into Mark." I cut in. She smiled, nodding."Literally!" We both began to laugh.

"You deserve to smile more and laugh and just live and Mark is one of the sweetest men I know. I can't think of anyone better to entrust my best friend with."

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