Chapter 10: Apples

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"Hey Riddhima!" Riddhima turned at the sound of her name being called by Susan. She was running towards them with a broad smile on her face. Armaan too had looked up at the sound.

"Sorry." Susan said panting with her hands on her knees. After taking deep breaths she stood up straight. "Third place huh? Not bad." She smiled at the two but her eyes lingered a little longer on Armaan. He seemed to become nervous under her intense gaze.

Susan raised her eyebrows at Riddhima who quickly realized she needed to introduce them. "Oh Susan this is Armaan. A freshmen. Armaan this is Susan Hollingsworth. My best friend." "Nice to meet you." Susan said smiling broadly and lifted her hand. Armaan hesitated but he shooked it nonetheless.

"Riddhima has told me so much about you." She ignored her friend's hard gaze. "She also told me about the-" "Susan!" Riddhima called out, her face red. Susan shrugged and even Armaan looked somewhat uneasy. "Well. I'll leave you two alone then. There's gonna be a football match next and I don't want to miss that."

"Of course you don't." Riddhima said sarcastically. "Also make sure you don't meet Madeline." "I already met her." Susan said with a sigh. "Whatever. Why do I, a working student, needs 150 dollars for anyway."

She turned around and ran, her blonde hair sweeping because of the wind. When she left Riddhima shook her head smiling. Armaan looked at her. He wanted to tell her she looked cute while smiling. But decided not to. He himself hadn't realized he was also grinning slightly.

If anyone had seen them together they would have thought the obvious. Before Armaan could say anything Riddhima began to walk away with the trophy. "Anyways I'll see you around." She said hesitantly. Armaan looked as though he was about to say something but then he changed his words.

"Yeah, see you. Thank you." He said smiling. Riddhima nodded. "You too." Then he watched her walk away, the bronze trophy against her heart.


Riddhima was walking back to the gym room where she had left her bag in the locker. She opened her locker and took out her bag. She opened the zip and took out her smart phone to check out if there were any messages or missed calls. To her surprise she saw five missed calls from Susan.

She quickly called her back. After nearly three rings Susan picked up. "Ridzieee. Ridziee. You are not gonna believe this. Good news for you." "Susan you are still watching the match, aren't you?" Riddhima asked as she could hear noise from the background. "Yeah. I am still there. I'll tell you everything later. I'll meet you back at your apartment. And bear in mind I am crashing there tonight, agreed?"

"Okay. Okay. I am heading home then."

"Unless loverboy is going there. Then let me know that before-hand. I do not want to see you two snuggling. You know how fatal that is for a single girl-"

"Good-bye, Susan." Riddhima turned off her phone and tossed both her phone and the trophy into her bag.


Riddhima checked her phone. It was 8:30 pm. She quickly inserted the keys into her apartment door. She turned the lights on and looked around her apartment. It was a mess. Riddhima quickly took out her phone and her wireless earphones.

She selected her favorite audiobook 'Pride and Prejudice' and placed her earbuds into her ear. Usually Riddhima was pretty lazy to clean her apartment so she would need some encouragement. Audiobooks were her encouragement. The work which could have taken one hour could be done now in thirty minutes.

She picked up her cleaning tools and began to clean the kitchen first. The cabinets and the counters looked dusty so she sprayed some dish soap and began to wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

Eventhough she had been extremely tired from the three-legged race Riddhima decided to clean up the kitchen and the lounge. She would do her own room tomorrow.

Audiobooks usually didn't help much but they distracted Riddhima from any negative thoughts. Usually cleaning her apartment she would especially remember her family. How the twins and she were always scolded for never keeping their rooms clean. Remembering how often her mother wouldn't let them watch television if they didn't make their bed first.

Cleaning was one of the tasks that made Riddhima remember how much she missed her family. At one point she even thought of going back. But she knew that would be impossible now. Nearly everyone would taunt her she was a disgrace to the family. These thoughts often helped her remind herself of the decisions she took and how much it was painful but necessary at the same time.

Next she wiped the refrigerator and then the stove. Cleaning the stove was Riddhima's least favorite work. Because the grease and oil stains always made everything so slippery.

Riddhima was wiping them when she heard the intercom rang. Taking off one of her latex glove she pressed the button. "Who is it?" She asked. "Riddziee let me up." Susan's shrill voice came out of the speaker. Riddhima pressed the button and placed the glove back.

Five minutes later Susan was inside her apartment, panting slightly but smiling nonetheless. "Riddzie, you won't believe I have some good news." "What?" "First take off those gloves. I don't want grease stains all over me when you hug me."

Riddhima placed her spray bottle, cloth and gloves on the counter and walked towards Susan who had made herself comfortable on her couch. "Okay then. What's the good news?" Riddhima asked throwing herself down beside her friend.

"Remember that job offer at the publishing house?" Susan asked. "Yeah." Riddhima said allowing one knee to rest under her weight. "Guess what? They hired you! My cousin just messaged me today. You are now officially one of their proof readers!"

Riddhima screamed in joy and the two women hugged each other tightly. After lots of giggles Susan continued. "You can go their tomorrow and negotiate the salary part as well." "Thank you. Susan." Riddhima said holding her hand. "You have no idea how much this means to me." "This calls for a celebration, right? What you have?"

"A packet of french fries. Some leftovers and a big bottle of coke." "All right!" Susan cheered walking with Riddhima towards the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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