27. warzone

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   RUBY PICKED UP A large knife and examined it carefully, trying her best not to drop it like she usually would

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   RUBY PICKED UP A large knife and examined it carefully, trying her best not to drop it like she usually would. She glanced over at the price tag and it read 94.99$. She gasped.

   "Jesus," she mumbled.

   "Expensive, right?" came Robin's voice from next to the blonde, behind her followed Steve, wearing a proper jacket and a shirt now. He walked over to the smaller guns behind them. "I could slit your throat with that."

   "You're such a good friend." replied Ruby playfully. "Guess what Steve said in the trailer?"

Robin grinned. "What?"

"He flirted with me."

The Buckley girl raised a brow. "Rubes, I know blondes are supposed to be dense but—"

"By telling me he'd like to impregnate me with six Harrington children." she whispered, stifling a laugh.

But Robin on the other hand was unsuccessful. She laughed loudly. "Holy shit, you're kidding me!"

"Nope," replied Ruby, giggling quietly as she shook her head. "In fact, he called them nuggets. Nuggets, Robin!"

Robin snorted while she laughed, only making Ruby find the situation all the more funny. She missed times like these when she and Robin would joke around without having to worry about the weight of the world on their shoulders. She missed that last Halloween they'd spent together. Or the countless times Ruby had forced the Buckley girl to go shopping with her or go to the movies together. Or that Christmas where they'd gotten each other the same sweater on accident. Or when they'd gotten so drunk on New Year's Eve that Steve had had to take their alcohol from them. She missed simpler times.

Ruby looked over at the other knife section, spotting a familiar redhead. "Hey, is that—"

   "Vickie." said Robin wistfully. And she was right. There, just ahead of them, stood Vickie, checking some products out by herself.

   "You gonna gawk like a creep or actually go and talk to her?" asked Ruby.

   "I'm..." whispered Robin softly, about to approach the redheaded girl when a guy suddenly beat her to it. He was blonde and he spun Vickie around, both of them laughing before they kissed. Robin took a step back, bumping into Steve who'd approached but not paying any attention to him whatsoever. Vickie pulled away with a bright smile and happened to look their way, seeing the disappointment on Robin's face. In humiliation, Robin rushed away quickly, despite Ruby and Steve's protests.

   Ruby started to sharpen her knife. "Do you think Vickie really likes her boyfriend?"

   Steve blinked at her. "Okay," he said, taking the knife away from her. "As hot as that was, I don't think I can allow you to kill that kid."

    "Ruin my fun." she mumbled playfully, walking over to the gun section to join Nancy. She smiled at the Wheeler girl, examining the different weapons. "You okay?" she asked.

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