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I though I knew who I was, what I wanted, and what I was meant to be. Actually, I was so sure of it that I never knew my life would be destined for anything else, anyone else. And when graduation crept up on us all, and I watched as all my friends filled out applications to some of the most prestigious schools around, I didn't. I would be working at my mothers company, a dream I always had since I was a little girl. But seeing all these people makes plans has me questioning wether I really ever planned anything for myself or was it always just what my parents wanted for me.

I see Craig make his way across the food court of the Mall, striding along like he doesn't have a care in the world. We've been together for two years now, and any girl around here would tell you I'm the luckiest person in the world that Craig Meyers chose me. And I am, he's literally perfect, his broad shoulders and muscular frame have always made me feel safe. But lately, it all feels a little boring. When I imagined falling in love, I pictured a lot of romance and fun, and at first that's exactly what I had with Craig. But now, we do what he wants, when he wants and with the people he wants to be around. And to top it all of, Craig's no longer perfect. Not in my eyes. Not now, after what he's put me through.
"You have no right looking that good all the time." He leans down, kissing my cheek and then my lips before pulling out a chair and sitting down beside me.
"This is how I always look idiot." Craig's always been able to make me smile, so my heart sinks in my chest when I think about the conversation I need to have with him.

Two weeks ago I was down at the lake with Katie and Milan, and Katie's boyfriend Sean. It was something we all normally did as a group, but Craig and the other guys had some sort of thing they were planning, Sean never told me what that was. Katie and Milan got up to go float out on the lake, and when I finally decided to join alongside them, Sean stopped me and told me he needed to tell me something.
"Craig's hooked up with Kennedy three times at my place now." The words fell from Sean's mouth so quietly, I wasn't even sure I heard them correctly at first. Craig, my Craig, hooking up with the town's slut? No, that couldn't be possible.

But when my eyes met Sean's, I knew it was true. He looked upset, like it was his fault my heart was breaking. Now, I've only ever been this sad one other time, when I was 14 and my junior year crush kissed me then told me he didn't like me like that. And let me tell you, that was absolutely nothing compared to the emptiness and betrayal I feel right now.
"You're lying..." a single tear falls from my eye, and I basically have to hold my breath to stop myself from losing it all together here in front of Sean. But it was true; in fact Sean was basically able to relay everything to me and as much as it made me sick hearing it, it only made it more real.

"How'd I get so lucky scoring the ultimate babe?" Craig's never been the best with sweet words, but still even with the way he talks you always know what he really means. That's just him.

I reach out and grab his hand, trying to hide the look in my eyes when it makes me stiffen. "We need to talk." His smile starts to fade, and his eyes fall down the the table. Almost as if he knows exactly what we're going to have to talk about; and face. Our once pretty good relationship was going to crumble, and we were going to come to an end. There isn't any other way to put it, it's the sad reality of what happens when someone's unfaithful. I don't see us moving past this, and I'm not sure I'd even want to. But before I can continue my sentence my head turns in the opposite direction when I see him walking through the food court laughing with his friends, looking like the absolute God he is. All 6'2" of him, built like literal steal, dark hair hanging messily over his eyes. Kai Johnson, my once best friend, first crush, and now a total stranger to me.

When I was ten, his family moved in just a few doors down from mine where the Samuels had moved out from. My Mom, being the absolute delightful social butterfly she is, wasted no time greeting our new neighbours and inviting them over for a welcoming dinner. That's just how she is though, she loves to make friends with everyone she can. She always says it's about making good memories and having fun. So the Johnson's showed up that day, with their nervous son alongside them. It took no time for Kai and I to become friends, and basically everyday from there on out, we were together. Exploring the woods behind the park, swimming in his pool, building forts, hanging out at the arcade once we got a bit older.
It was always Kai and I. And I loved that, because Kai pretty easily became everyone's friend, the popular cool new kid, and I was the one he always wanted to hangout with. It all changed the summer we were 14 though, our once very innocent friendship had turned into what most people would call puppy love. Our movie nights now consisted of holding hands under the blanket, hugs that lasted a little too long, and flirty little texts and phone calls. I'll never forget the way I felt when he texted me telling me I was "so cute." I literally ran around my room shrieking like a child about it.
The last day of Summer though that all changed, and I still don't know what happened. We had spent the evening in the pool like always, and then ended up on the couch watching Transformers for the billionth time. I didn't mind though, I actually liked these movies and more importantly, I liked Kai, and I could feel that Kai liked me too. As usual, he pulled me in closer to him, held my hand and we watched the movie together, and when it ended everything changed. Kai turned his head towards me, leaning it on the back of the couch just staring. So I faced him, and we sat like that in silence for a few minutes before he finally said "I want to kiss you K." It was like time stopped, it felt like I was imagining it, him saying that. But he did, he leaned in and gently pressed the lips I knew would be soft against mine and for a few minutes I honestly believed Kai was going to be my happy ending. But he wasn't, and the next day he texted me and everything I thought was happening between us, ended.
Kai: srry it was mistake. it would be kinda weird now I don't think we shld keep talkin

I never said anything else, and we never hung out again. I watched him grow up, date thousands of girls, and completely forget about me. So why now, when I see him do I still get the butterflies I used too? Because life is cruel. And my history with boys just proves how cruel it really can be. Kai hasn't even so much glanced my direction since back then, unless he's absolutely had too. But today, on the day I'm about to end it with Craig, he stops a few tables down and looks at me. His friends keep walking, but he stays behind and doesn't break eye contact once. I hear Craig saying my name, but the only thing I can focus on in this moment is Kai Johnson, staring at me and now walking over towards us.

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