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I wake up the next morning to find Kori sleeping peacefully and naked in my arms. And the flashbacks of last night hit me.
"Don't stop." "That's perfect." "KAI."

She looks even better now then I ever thought she did, she's perfect. But I rush to my feet to scramble and find my clothes when the panic hits me. I've just told Kori I have feelings for her, and I'm not even sure I want to be in a relationship. Not because of Kori, but because the last time I actually made it official with someone was when I dated Serena in grade 11 and let's just say that didn't end well. After dealing with the shit show that was, I swore off real relationships. I don't need the stress and hard times that come along with them - the emotional torture. The fear of fucking it all up.

But how do I tell Kori that now; after I've stolen these very intimate moments with her? I'm used to having flings and fucking whenever we please, but I'm not used to having to be a decent person. I could see myself with her, one hundred percent. But I'm not sure I'd ever be able to live up to what her expectations of me would be.

"Where are you running off to so early?" Her eyes are barely open as she rubs them. I lean down placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'll call you later, gym time." She smiles and nods, then rolls back over and falls back into her peaceful slumber, the blankets barely covering her soft body. I steal a couple more glances before I meet the guys at the gym.

"I'm telling you man, you missed out." Simmons yells over the music blaring in the gym at me as he hands the bar back to me. "I was with Kori." His eyes widen and he starts to laugh. "She finally stopped playing hard to get?" He stands up and grabs his water bottle, spraying it onto his face. Grant Simmons is what anyone would call the ultimate womanizer, not that it's anything to actually be proud of. But that doesn't bother him one bit, even when the girls slap him the face or call him a slut, he loves the attention, and most of the time they're willing to give it to him. "She's going through some shit, I had to make sure she was okay." I know that's not enough, and he'll continue to pry until I give him every detail of what happened last night. Usually I would - but not with Kori, because those moments are for us and us alone.

"Did you fuck her yet?" Even when I'm used to hearing words this blunt, they annoy me right now because Kori is not just some girl you get with and fuck. She's not one of the easy girls, she's someone who deeply feels things. "Just because she stopped ignoring me doesn't mean she gave it up." I roll my eyes and head into the locker room into the shower away from him. Simmons is one of my closest friends but hearing him talk about her like that makes me skin crawl - my blood boil.

I spend the evening laying in my bed, picking my phone up and then putting it back down. I told her I'd talk to her later - but now I'm being a fucking coward. I like this girl, and yet the only thought I have is that I'm not one of those guys who texts a girl constantly - or calls her. Hours pass, and she finally messages me.

Kori: Thanks for last night, honestly.

Kai: just helping a girl out.

Kori: I know I never said it, but I've always liked you too...

I've wanted this - craved it for years. Watching her blossom into the most beautiful version of herself, and now here we are ready for everything and to take that leap - and I can't. Because the truth is, I'm not exactly a good guy with a good reputation and I can't bring that on her. She doesn't deserve that, she deserves so much better. But I don't want to let her go either - not when I just got her back, so against my better judgment I reply - because I know she wants me, and I've already made her forget Craig.

Kai: Then get that sweet ass over here.

She doesn't reply, but twenty minutes later she's standing at my door wearing a tiny skirt that barely covers her ass and a busty tank top. Fuck me. "Hi." She giggles as she watches me look her up and down several times before I finally pull her into my arms. It doesn't take her long before she's kissing me, then my neck, then throwing me down onto my couch. It's fucking hot. She's taking control of the situation, and normally that's my job - but she knows exactly what she's doing. She pulls her shirt off, revealing those perfect breasts that I haven't been able to get out of my head, and then she starts pulling at mine. I don't waste any time, because after last night - I'm addicted to that pussy, it's like a drug I can't get enough of now. But as I take her perfect nipple in my mouth, sucking and biting at it - she throws me back down.

"Tonight's all about you, baby." And when I think I couldn't get any more hard - I do. And she loves it. She unzips my pants so quickly, pulling them off and then yanking my boxers down with them. She teases me first, kissing and licking the tip of my throbbing cock. I want her now - but she doesn't let me. She takes my dick in her mouth, and I throw my head back. "Fuck." Those words just make her work harder - and I'm almost embarrassed at how fast she's going to make me come, but fucking Hell - her perfectly plump lips and deep throat skills would send any man of the edge quickly. I hear a groan, and realize it's me - I'm about to come in Kori's mouth. And boy do I ever, and she takes every last bit of it down her throat before she smiles up at me.

"Well?" It takes me a second to come back to reality and realize she's talking to me - she did just give me the best blow job I've ever received.

"Let me fuck you."

She nods, and that's all I need.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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