Who can you trust?

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Game night was something the Wayne kids were forced to by their eldest brother, Dick. The exceptions were Barbara and Cassandra who both willingly took part in it.

Tim and Jason were in the middle of a heated round of super smash brothers with the rest of the group cheering for either of them, as a bold of lightning hit just beside the manor, causing a power failure. Each of them groaned (or let out strings of curses in Jason's case).

Damian was the first to really speak up as he turned to his eldest brother. "Are we now dismissed Grayson? I hardly assume we can continue playing games we can not even see."

Dick didn't reply at all beside telling them to sit down in a circle. he just ran out of the room and came back a few minutes later with something in his hands. "Jay, give me your lighter." It wasn't a question as all of them knew Jason always had a lighter with him.

Confused, the second Wayne boy handed it over. Mere moments passed as Dick lit up some candles, one after another and placed them around his siblings and in the middle of the circle.

"For now, we aren't the Bats. We are a village and one of us isn't who he, or she, says they are. A Werewolf is living among us, and we must find him before he kills us all. I will guide you through the progress of finding the Werewolf or dying one after another."

It may look stupid, but all of them were excited to play. Werewolf wasn't just a game to them. It was a way for them to test their detective and masquerading skills.

Whoever wins gets the right to brag about it to the loser and those that couldn't figure it out.


It was a normal day in the Village of Gotham. It was small with not many inhabitants, but recently strange things happened there. People vanished or began to act strangely.

A few villagers met up to discuss this and find out who is behind all of this. At dusk everyone in Gotham was fast asleep in their beds, unaware of something dark stirring and just waking up.

The Werewolf strolled around, looking for its next victim. A shadow rushed through the corner of its eyes as someone ran to get home.

Tim hurried back to the home of the Drake family. He was out late because he was photographing the Bats and some birds that flew around and forgot about the time.

Holding his camera close to his chest, he kept his head down and ran as fast, but silent, as he could. In his hurry he didn't notice the shadow approaching him from behind.

He stopped as he heard a low growl and turned around, but it was too late. A sharp pain erupted in his abdomen while Tim looked up to see frightening sharp teeth on the long jaw, fur all over the body and glowing yellow eyes.

The last thing he ever heard was the howl of the Werewolf as he slashed his other claw across the boy's throat, cutting the windpipe effectively along with important veins.

The sun began to rise and alarmed the Werewolf who rushed back to his home just in time.

Right after the Wolf left, a shadow stood over the corpse of the teenager. In a whisper they spoke up. "I am sorry, but I cannot revive you, I need to keep this potion in case something worse happens." With slight sadness in their eyes, they left.

Slowly the village woke up as the sky got painted in soft orange and red hues.

Janet Drake was about to leave for another day of work and opened the door just to scream high and lout enough to alarm everyone in the village. Commissioner Gordon was the first to arrive and gasped at the sight.

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