My Isolation

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Val's POV

* mention of self-harm*

Here I am now, at 1am in the morning, looking at my ceiling while my minds is filled with thoughts

I go to the bathroom and switch on the lights. I look at myself in the mirror and see a girl that is hurting inside, that is, although broken, but still manages to put a smile on her face. I lift my shirt up and there it is

My scars

They are starting to fade away except for the recent ones. They made sure to carve me or cause me pain, they made sure to destroy me into pieces until I am a vulnerable and weak little girl.

I remember that day clearly even though that wasn't me

*Flashback to the roof"

Third person's POV

As she made it on the roof, she took ahold of the knife and started cutting her wrist. When she saw that it wasn't enough, she cut deeper and deeper and still the demons thought that it wasn't enough.

She took the knife and started stabbing herself in her torso. While doing this she was crying but they weren't her tears, she inflicted pain on herself but that wasn't her

She wasn't in control of her body anymore.

She stabbed deeper and deeper until she was stopped by her twin brother and that's when she came back to her senses.

*Flashback over*

(Trigger warning over)

I shake my head to get rid of the memory and sigh

It's feels like yesterday when I was that bubbly and happy girl but then she was forced to grow up and see that there is evil out there in the world

I switch off the lights and go back to bed

Hey Storm?

Yes Fury

Can you sing me a song?

Of course

And I was lulled to sleep by the voice of Storm singing as if there is no bad out there

Just for a moment, let me not face reality


I was so glad that it was the weekend and I didn't have to go to school, why? because I am depressed. 

I feel the same feeling again, the feeling of emptiness, darkness, it's just overwhelming yet comforting. It is pulling me in wanting me to succumb to it's coldness but like always Storm is there to stop me from going back there, a place I call

My Isolation.

It's a dark place where there are dead trees and everything is black and white, basically the opposite of this world. Everything around me is dark and even the people that are there, yes there are people as I have said that it is like the opposite of this world. There are people, cars, buildings, parks etc but instead of there being a loving family, it's filled with hate and disgust, instead of there being a beautiful car, it's scratched and vandalized, instead of there being beautiful and tall buildings, they are falling apart into nothing but a pile of rubble and instead of there being a park where you would find your inner child, there is loneliness and emptiness.

Depressing I know but that's basically how I see the world when I am in that stage, instead of seeing the beauty of the world- except the people in it- and it's gorgeous colours, I see what some would call the underworld but at least that place had a meaning and it maybe had a little colour but the way I see my Isolation, it's the most terrifying thing but what's more terrifying is that I find comfort in it, well I guess I got to thank my family for that.

I always had those 'what ifs' questions but I am glad that I overcame that stage in my life where you see the way the world is. You get born, you live a short or long life then you die and it's a cycle but until when. Some people's are taken from them and some get to live their life to the fullest.

They always say you must live life to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised to anyone. When I was in that lab that's what I thought but now that I think about it, I had rather have been in that lab than in that cell.

My life is fucked up.

Living in a cell is like my isolation, a place I never want to go to and I hope it stays that way.

If only I had it that easy

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