The truth pt1

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Val's POV

I woke up yet again to the doors of the cell opening. I sat up straight and waited.

He came in and sat down on a chair that was brought. He looked at each one of us and smiled an evil smile.

"Well let's get started then" he said while clapping his hands and sat comfortably on the chair.

"So sweetheart, let's start on who these people are. Your family is part of the Spanish Mafia and you're a Mafia princess. The Russo's are the Italian Mafia while the others just work for them" he finished off and waited for my reaction and I gave him none

"You thought I didn't know" I said while snorting and all of them looked relieved while he looked frustrate that I knew

"Oh but they don't know the real reason that you hate them" he chuckled "well story time. The real reason your daughter/sister hates you all is that you all sent her to her doom"

"What do you mean?" Dario interrupted

"Well when your family sent her to that boarding school she was kidnapped and kept in a lab for three years and managed to escape, then she lived a normal life for 5 years until she was taken by me. She was angry at y'all for not even checking on her, so, she forgot about y'all. Then she stayed here for a year until I killed her friend and she managed to escape. Since then I have been trying to find her with no luck until now" he finished off the story while I looked blankly at him

"Is this true?" Santi asked and when I didn't reply he took that as a yes.

Everyone was silent and he took that as an opportunity to go out and leave me with these people.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Mom asked with a crack in her voice

"I didn't think it was necessary for y'all to know" I answered in an almost cold voice

"Bullshit!" Santiago exclaimed "you telling me that being kidnapped twice and being a lab rat is nothing"

"Y'all weren't there. Did y'all forget that I wasn't the one that decided to just one day pack my bags and go to a boarding school that I know nothing about" I said and they fell quiet "that's what I thought" with that I rest my eyes for a bit.


I have to come up with a plan to escape this shit hole before Izzy gets home. If my calculations are correct, today is Saturday which gives me enough time to plan.

While I was in my own world, the cell door opened and he, yet again, came in and sat down. If it wasn't for his voice, I would still be daydreaming

"So let's get to part 2 shall we" he said "I guess my sweetheart didn't tell y'all this and guessing by her expression, I am right" he said and I looked at him with shock.

He can't tell them, but like whatever

"Did she tell y'all that she was once pregnant"

"W-what?" A weak Tino said. I didn't tell him everything especially this

"She was pregnant and she lost the baby while she was in here. I can't say that I feel sorry for her cause she deserves it" he said and I interrupted him

"My baby didn't deserve to die!" I shouted

"Oh but it did"

"Why? Cause last time I checked I didn't do anything to you and I didn't even know you so why was it that my unborn baby had to suffer"

"You don't remember, do you?" He asked and I looked confused

"Remember when you were 12 years old?" he asked and when I looked at him clearly I remember him as the man that wanted me to be his wife when I get to 18 years but I refused and gave him a scar.

"Harry Black" I said

Wait, what?

"Do you happen to have a daughter that goes by the name Agent Sarah Black" I asked

"Oh I see that you have met her" he said with excitement

"Yeah well sorry to burst your bubble but she's dead" I said bluntly

"WHAT? HOW?" He asked with shot

"Oh you know when you betray someone and the result in them finding out is getting shot in the head or being tortured to death" I said while shrugging

"Who killed her?" He asked with rage in his voice.

We all kept quiet and when he saw that we won't answer, he stormed out of the cell.

" Y-you had a child" Tino asked

"Yes" I answered

"I was going to be an uncle" he said in sadness and the atmosphere shifted

"Don't worry everyone, we will get out of here" I told them

"How?" Nikolai asked speaking for the first time since we got here

"Patience my dude, patience"


I am so sorry that I killed an innocent child,😭, although it would have been a cute baby cause you know, Val is gorgeous and all, you know what, nevermind.

Next part is the continuous of this kidnapping thing, h

Love you my psycho's
queenmerliya ❤️

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