Apologies accepted and add a new student to the mix

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Val's POV

It's Monday and I'm going to school

Remind me why I have to go to school again *laying on the bed*

It's because you need an education my child *pushing up her glasses and crossed her leg over the other*

But I already graduated Dr Storm *said while whining*

Do the rest of the family know that?


So then


No buts

*Sighs in defeat* fine, fine. Until next time Dr Storm

Yeah Storm is sometimes my therapist which really saves me some time, effort and energy, like dude...I don't need to go to a therapist's office or some shit. (No offence to those who will get offended)

I walk down stairs and have breakfast with the family. It's the same shit with them apologizing and me ignoring them.

I wonder how long they would last

When I'm finished I went out the door with Tino and got into the car and blah blah blah.

*Skip car ride*

We got to school and as soon as I stepped out, there were whispers but they were not about us or on us.

"Have you heard?"

"OMG, a new student will arrive"

"I wonder if it's a girl or even better, a boy"

These whispers carried on until the bell rang and everyone left for class

I sigh. Finally

My lessons fly by quickly with me barely paying attention and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

I went to the cafeteria and sat down with the gang since Tino asked so nicely.

We were all silent for about 10 minutes and during those 10 minutes, I was busy enjoying my punch while all of them were staring at me.Wait for it


"Look Vee, we're sorry about everything and the way we treated you...it's just...it's just that we though that you were going to abandon us after you found what you were looking for and we just didn't want to get our hopes up. So would you please, please forgive us" Luci said while begging and whining and all that shit.

After about a minute or two of me being silent and them waiting in suspense I finally talked

"Apology accepted" and when I said that they all looked at me shocked

"R-really" Gabe asked

"Yes really. I was waiting until the moment when y'all were going to crack and explode" I explained

"So what you really mean is that you forgave us long time ago" Javier asked

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'

After I said that everything went back to normal and we started talking and laughing until we were interrupted by a loud bang.

I looked towards the door and the whole cafeteria fell silent. Right there stood a girl with brown hair that reaches just below her shoulders and stunning blue eyes that shone brightly. She was skinny but not the sick type but the type that always goes on diets, you know, the cheerleader slash Queen Bee type.

I am getting a strange vibe from this girl. She wore a mini pink skirt that reached inches above mid thigh, showing her butt, and a pink crop top that was sizes too small on her and clung to her making her small breasts look big and finally her pink six-inch stilettoes.

She was basically a walking candy, except for the eyes and hair.

She then walked to the popular table that's filled with jocks and cheerleaders. She then sat down like she owned the place.

Soon the cafeteria went back to it's original state

Thank God

"Wow, she's hot" Dario commented

Of course the player itself said that

"Of course you would think that" I said with a scoff and rolled my eyes

"What does that suppose to mean?" He asked and turned to look at me. By now the whole table was now looking at us

"It means that you fuck everything that has boobs and a vagina accompanied by an arse"

"No I don't" he defended and I gave him 'the look'

"Ok, maybe...I do, but that doesn't mean I fuck every girl that I meet"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I said and returned to my food while Dari sulked and everyone laughed at him.



I said as the bell rang for home time. I literally sprang out of my seat and dashed to the door. I ran down the hallway and there it was, the door that's separating me from the outside world.

I pushed them open and smelled the fresh air and sighed happily

"Freedom, finally" as I said that I heard laughter behind me and I turned to see the rest of the gang laughing at me.

I rolled my eyes at them and then we carried on to our cars but not before saying goodbye to each other.

What a day

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