t h r e e

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Six years may have been a very quick glance of life but for Harry, it wasn't. He's changed a lot.

A lot.

He was one of these very exuberant child in which Louis has influenced him, obviously. He loved to go out and play, with Louis.

to eat, with Louis.

to watch movies, with Louis.

to go to the park, with Louis.

Almost everything that he has done, he was always with Louis. They were these little kids who wanted to run around, play jokes, 'its', hide and seek and all these childhood things you would ever imagine. No doubt why they were very intimate to each other, to the fact that they cannot be separated.

When Jay decided to go to Australia and bring her kids with her, Harry did felt bad knowing that Louis will be away. Who will he play with? Who will he go to school with? He never made friends with anyone but Louis then.

He may have met friends in the span of six years, but they weren't as good as Louis. They weren't as ebullient as Louis. They weren't as humorous as Louis. They weren't as light-hearted as Louis.

They weren't Louis.

Now that Louis' back, he felt the old feeling of having a real friend once again. The feeling of having Louis again. Even though they may have been away from each other, no friendship has died.

"Hey! I've got you some things that you might like!" Louis, who was seating on his right side, squealed in excitement. He grabbed the bag beside him and started fishing things from it.

Harry drew a wide smile on his face. Seeing Louis looking a lot more thrilled with what he's going to show than him makes him love this guy more. Louis took a hold of something behind his back and started giggling.

"Close your eyes." and Harry did close his eyes.

"I know you'll like this." Louis leaned a lot more closer to Harry, took his left hand, unclenched it and placed the thing he was holding.

By the time Louis placed it in his hands, he straight-away acknowledged what it was and a certain event from the past crossed his mind.

"Get ready kids! We'll be going in 5 minutes" Anne and Jay called out the two boys who were playing lego in the living room.

They will be heading to the museum today. Louis has requested it a lot, really, like, a lot. He's said his mum how much he loves to see great things with his bestfriend, Harry, and go on adventures with him. Plus, they'll be leaving to Australia tomorrow so this seemed to be a lot more like a goodbye trip for them.

When they reached the museum, both boys cavorted off the car and started running around. They couldn't wait to get in and stroll the whole place by themselves. Their mums had agreed for them to roam the museum by themselves, except for having a tour guide with them, and take the time to enjoy each other's company.

By the time they got in, their tour guide started taking photos of them instead of explaining them what is this and that.

The boys were so happy, they were delighted in such way that made them feel like they were just the only people in the museum. They weren't Harry and Louis, they were HarryandLouis.

They have seen some science-related things like the artificial digestive system in which they would press several foods that the person would eat, eventually will mix it and they'll be able to smell the fart it would excrete. Disgusting but amusing it is.

"Vegetables and fruits could make the fart smell less unpleasant!" Harry yelled and pressed the buttons of vegetables and fruits his eyes would meet.

"Mix it!" Louis yelled, rubbing his hands against each others and sticking his tongue out, showing his great attention to the fart output.

"I'll smell it!" Louis volunteered and pushed Harry a bit for him to do the the smelling.

Ew. What the actual piece of whatever is this?.. he thought. He showed a sickening face to Harry and mimicking a person vomiting. Because of curiosity, Harry did valiantly smelled it.

"This smells disgusting! I really did think that this would smell good!" They stared and paused for a while.




and they burst out laughing. Their tour guide thought they were cute, they really were. 12 and 14 year old kids having fun in such place by themselves, who would never think they were?

They continued roaming around the museum, saw more things about astronomy, animals, humans the sea, and ships. They interacted more with their tour guide, Lilia, now for they genuinely wanted to know more about these stuffs, especially the ships.

"Woah! This is big! What is this?" the boys' eyes enlarged in amusement.

"That, boys, is the anchor. Big innit?" Lilia gave them a wide smile and continued taking photos of them. Ever since she was with these boys, she couldn't take the smile that was painted on her face for they were really adorable.

"What does it do?" Louis gave a glance of curiosity to Lilia.

"It keeps the ship grounded or stay still on the water." She started patting HarryandLouis' heads in no certain reason, she just wanted to.

"And that kids" she pointed at the roped which is tied to the anchor. "is the rope that holds onto the anchor"

"I want that one! But that's too heavy" Harry pouted and gave a grimacing look on Louis.

It made him smile but more like cry. Those were the days, the good old days, happy days.

"I'm giving you this anchor necklace because you keep me grounded Harold." Louis stared at Harry. Green eventually met blue.

Wow, those eyes. He missed staring at those shining sapphire eyes. He missed looking at hi cute 'lil nose and seeing him smile. He missed him.

"I did felt bad too when I left you, because you were my only friend. Kids at school were bullying me, teasing me, mocking every single thing that I do and especially, criticized the way I sing. I felt so insecure and unwanted. I did had my suicidal thoughts every month, week, day, hour, second, millisecond. Whatever. I did. But the fact of knowing that I'll be back here to see my bestfriend after years, made me stay. You kept me grounded Harry. You inspired me." A pool of tears formed in Louis' eyes. Harry shushed him, cupped his cheeks and squeezed them a bit, making him giggle for his winsome feature.

"I got the rope though, for I---" Harry cut him off with a kiss on his lips. It was the taste of longing for someone, sweetness and love. The taste that he have been longing for.


Did I just kiss him?

"I will lift you up" Louis whispered.



soz for the vvvvv late updating.

thoughts about this? i'd love to hear.

All the love. S

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