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"Harry, will you please fix your room?" Anne, once more, scanned Harry's messy room and blew air roughly through her mouth in disappointment. "Please, darling."

Harry was about to say something when he heard the door shut and footsteps of his mum walk down the stairs.

He didn't get mad at his mum or something.

He wasn't just feeling good on a Saturday morning to clean up his room but he doesn't want to disobey his mum, so he decided to go out of bed and started to pick up some things on the floor, dirty clothes, torn papers, unnecessary notes and even candy wrappers.

He picked things up lazily, until he started to find stuffs that he was looking for days ago and more interesting ones.

"There you are!" he whispered and placed a smile on his face when he found his newly bought shirt, just 2 weeks ago which he hasn't worn yet, under his bed whom he blamed his mum for it getting "lost". He then fanned it with force to the air a couple times to take the dust off, folded it and placed it in his closet.

What a dirty boy, didn't he think that it stayed there for days and it got dirt under his bed? He should've placed it in the laundry.

He never thought that his room was this messy, maybe because he wasn't even paying attention to his room. He never once tried to scan through his whole room. All he did was enter his room, take off his clothes, go to bed and sometimes go to his desk if he's got some homeworks to do or he just felt like writing some songs or drawing. But never did the thought of checking out his entire room enter his mind.

"Booty--" he tilted his head a little bit to the right and squinted his eyes, trying to read the rest of the words "nooty mccatty...?" he giggled a bit.

"Booty Nooty Mccatty" he repeated giving out a smirk on his cheeks.

He remembered writing those words when he first started to write a song, it was when he was four years of age. He believed that all songs should be rhyming so he made a..... rhyming song 'bout his cat.

I saw my catty

inside the patty

it purred meow

I said "wow"

she is my catty

booty nooty mccatty

I feed her everyday

everytime she eats, I say "yay"

she is very pretty

pretty pretty petty

she is my catty

booty nooty mccatty

This isn't bad..... he thought

"I can now be a superstar!" he yelled with joy, waving the piece of paper, where he wrote his lyrics, up in the air.

"I love you mccatty" he got and held his cat up high and started giving it quick kisses, maybe ten times.

Harry just found himself smiling 'cause of the memory. He folded the paper and placed it in his pocket just to keep it for a while. He thought of finding his old mini treasure chest and see more stuffs in it.

He never thought that cleaning would be this fun. It's like what he once read in a book, "10% cleaning, 90% playing with all the things that you found."

Well, he wasn't really into cleaning because it is kind of a "girl thing" and boys are mostly known to be "messy" but the mess in his room isn't that bad at all. It was mostly his worn out shirts so no big deal, almost everything's under his bed though.

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