Chapter II

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Seulgi's POV

Here we are eating our lunch at the cafeteria. They stopped asking me about unnie already.

"Have you ever thought of falling in love with Irene unnie?" just what I thought...ugh! Wendy!

"Who's in love with Irene unnie?" I look at who spoke, she's already looking at me. She's carrying her tray of food.

"Sit here, Yerimah." I said and tap the seat beside me.

"Unnie, can she eat with us now? It's our first day back to school." Mark asked. I didn't notice she's with her classmates.

"Yes. You always steal her away from us. Let's not do that now, unnie." Chaeyoung cutely said. I can see my friends holding their laughter already.

"I- I didn't mean to steal her away. I--" I was cut off.

"What she meant is she's sorry, she just want to spend time with our cousin. Right Seul?" She spoke up and took the seat I was offering to Yeri. "Seul?" she called again, I just nodded. I then heard Yeri laugh

"What a great timing, Irene unnie." Yuqi spoke. Unnie just give her a smile.

"Now drag that kid away already before she ditch you, in her own will, for this bear." she said to Yeri's classmates and all nodded already.

"Yah! Unnie, you're unfair!" Yerimah shouted as she is being dragged.

"Let's have dinner later, Kim Yerim." Unnie said to her and then turn to look back at me.

"Have you ever thought of falling in love with Irene unnie?"

"No!" I saw unnie got startled by my sudden outburst. "Mianhe." I said and look back to my food. God, Seulgi! What has gotten into you?

"You okay, Seul?" she asked. I just amswered her by by nodding and focusing on my food. "You can't lie to me, Seulgi, but fine. If you say so." I look at her this time. She's eating already. That's new. Usually she wouldn't be as patient as this.

"Yah! Stop staring at unnie and eat your food!" I was startled. Next thing I know, my eyes meets unnie's. She looked at me confused.

"Have you ever thought of falling in love with Irene unnie?"

I avoided her gaze and face Suzy.

"Don't do that again." I said seriously. Suzy was about to talk again when someone spoke behind me.

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt." I look back and saw a guy now looking at me but then averted his eyes to unnie.

"Suho. You're early." Unnie stand up and hug the guy. She looks excited. He ruffled her hair. Who is this guy? I fake a cough to get their attention. The guy then look at me.

"Oh! I forgot!" unnie said "You already know my sister, right?" she pointed at Suzy. "These are her classmates." then she started mentioning our names. I went back to my food.

"Oppa, have lunch with us." Suzy invited.

"Well, actually..." it seems like his hesitating, in finishing his words. I can sense unnie move back beside me.

"I'll see you after class, Seulgiyah." She whispered to me before getting her things and walk away with the guy.

"They look pretty close." I heard Kai said.

"She's been unnie's classmate eversince." Suzy said.

"How come it's the first time I've seen him?" Wendy asked.

"I don't know with you, but I always see them together." Sehun said. I look up to him. I'm always with unnie but I never met him, 'til now.

"They look cute though, look at them." When Krystal said that I turn to look at the two, who's leaving.

"Have you ever thought of falling in love with Irene unnie?"

Damn! I can't seem to get rid of Wendy's question, earlier. It's starting to irritate me.

Later that night...

When I heard my doorbell ringing I automatically went to the front door to open it up.

"You don't seem that excited to see me." she teased. I went to the side an let her enter.

"Are you staying for the night unnie." I asked. She went to my kitchen table and start unpacking the food she brought.

"Do you want me to?" she look at me in the eye and stop what she's doing. I don't want to hear Wendy now.

"Have you ever thought of falling in love with Irene unnie?"

"No!" I unconciously said. I can see the the shock on her face.

"Chill! If you don't want to, I can just leave after dinner. You don't need to raise your voi--"

"No! I want you to stay, sleep with me." I said not letting her finish her words.

"W-what?" she stuttered. I can tell she was taken a back with what I just said. What did I sa--wait! Just that realization hit me.

"I mean, I want you to sleep here, with me. Yes." I corrected my own words. God! What are you saying Seulgi!? I look down at my feet, I feel embarrassed.

"There's something bothering you, Seul. What is it?" She said. I look up to her and she then signalled me that we'll eat already.

"You're suppose to ask who it is, not what." I said as I sat on one of the chairs. When I look across me, I see unnie with an unreadable expression...

"Okay then, who's bothering you?" It seems like she hesitated in asking that. Her question doesn't seem right.

"Unnie, how about let's change it back to what." I said.

"Seulgi." she said in a warning tone. I can't go wrong this time.

"Fine! It's Wendy." I said in defeat.


"uuhm unnie!" she just hummed in response. "Will it be fine if you fall in love with a friend?" I asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" she asked. I still can't read her.

"I mean. There's no big deal right? It's just like falling in love with another person." I said.

"No, Seulgi. Falling inlove with a friend have more risks than falling in love with a stranger." she said to me. "Wait! Where is this going, Seulgiyah? Are you somewhat---" I cut her off.

"No!" I burst out.

"Your tone is defensive."she said

"It's just that, there's something I can't get off my head."

"I'm guessing this involves Wendy, right?" she asked.


"So, you like Wendy?" she asked again

"Ye-- What?! No!" why would she think that?!

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